Sunday, November 25, 2007

I Don't Believe It

by Ian Crossley

I have found in my search for answers and also during my mentoring and councelling sessions, that a lot of people reject accepting that we can get help from a greater power . They are worried what others might think if they admit to getting comfort from these teachings. We tend to blindly accept anything as long as it is the belief of the majority. Try and explain to an alien about a plant that you can break a piece off, and put it in the ground, then a few weeks later another plant appears. You know that this happens because you may have done this, but you have no way of explaining why it happens. If the alien keeps asking why it happens even after you have shown him the results, you then get to a point where it is stale mate. You cannot give any explanation as to why it happens you can only point to the fact that it does happen. This is no different to these teachings there is evidence all around that they happen but like the alien you refuse to accept it because no one can tell you how it all works. Your mind is programmed in a very strange way and it has selective acceptance.
These teachings in their absolutely basic form are no more than a set of guidelines for us to live in harmony. The bonus is that if we follow them to the letter we will obtain absolute happiness and also success and wealth to the level that makes us happy. I will qualify that statement. We are in total control. It has happened to me that I had a business and it had every opportunity to grow, deep down I did not want to hire any more staff .To enable the business to grow I would have to employ staff, subconsciously I was keeping the business from growing so that it suited me. This was not a conscious decision because on the surface I appeared to be running things correctly. It was not until I had the benefit of this knowledge that I realized I was holding the business back subconsciously to the level that I felt comfortable with. This is the same thing that happens in our everyday life we grow and accept to the exact stage that we THINK is our limit. We do not push those boundaries because we do not realize that we are in control. Unfortunately if we start focusing on what we have not got, guess what?The Power gives us more of that.
These short term visions are so powerful, but we refuse to use them, because we have been programmed to believe and accept what we have. It is not until you burst out from these mental chains, that you suddenly realise what you are capable of doing. I suggest that you just do small things at first, even the most simple act of smiling and not going around with a long face, will produce things that you will not believe. If you do not do anything, GUESS WHAT?

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