Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Maximizing Motivation Steps To Get Unstuck In Life

by Dr. Steve Tuggle

Maximizing motivation is the secret to living a consistently happy, fulfilled, and energetic life. The word motivation implies that we are moving forward. Our goal then becomes to maximize this movement and always keep it moving forward.
This is really a self-perpetuating cycle. As we move forward toward our goals we become motivated to keep moving. This motivation then spurs us on to higher goals. The enemy to this process is the state of being stuck. When we are stuck there is no movement and motivation diminishes rapidly. Life then becomes a great struggle.

We have all experienced being stuck at times. We feel like we just can't move at all. Albert Einstein once said, "Nothing happens until something moves." This is very true when we are stuck in life. We simply must get moving. Once we start moving positive things start happening.
Here are some steps to start us moving forward and then maximizing motivation:
1. Declutter. It is amazing how cluttered surroundings can weigh us down and keep us from moving forward in life. There is something about a cluttered desk and office that greatly inhibits our ability to get things accomplished. Decluttering can bring amazing energy back into our life. You don't have to declutter your whole house and life in one day. Start with one small area. Maybe you could start with your desktop or your email inbox. Get this one area cleaned up and you will feel a sense of accomplishment. This will propel you to take further action. What's important is that you just get started.
2. Forgive. What? This sounds too touchy feely you say. Well, you might be surprised how much of a burden a grudge can become in our life. Maximizing motivation is impossible if you are a person who holds grudges. Forgiveness is very powerful in our life and in the life of the person we forgive. You might be shocked at the difference this little step of forgiveness can make in helping you move forward in life toward your goals.
3. Think. Well, not just any old thinking. Think positively. Negative, pessimistic thinkers are simply not very motivated in life. A positive attitude is essential in maximizing motivation and living a happy and fulfilled life. There really are many things in life that are outside of our control. Yet, the most important thing in all circumstances is under our complete control: how we think about any given circumstance. Thinking positively in all circumstances is critical to not getting stuck in life.
4. Write. A pen and notepad can be very effective tools in staying motivated. Start writing down you goals, plans, and resources. You can even journal about how you feel toward the circumstances you face. Writing all of these things down and looking at them on a sheet of paper can have a tremendous influence on our creativity and ability to implement new ideas. Reviewing what we have written also allows us to easily track our progress.
5. Learn. Learning keeps us fresh and motivated. A sharp mind that is constantly learning new concepts or techniques doesn't have time to get stuck. Taking a course on a new subject may be the easiest thing you can do in maximizing motivation and getting unstuck. The benefits to this are enormous and far-reaching. You might even change the whole direction of your life. Our minds tend to stagnate when they stop moving just like water that sits and doesn't move. A learning mind, on the other hand, is like a moving river that stays fresh and clear. We live in the information age. Take advantage of the easy and accessible information that can keep your mind active and alert.
These are basic steps in staying motivated and moving forward in life. Don't overlook them because of their simplicity. They are powerful in maximizing motivation and helping you achieve your goals in life.
Dr. Steve Tuggle is a practicing dentist, certified personal trainer (ACE, ACSM), cerified wellness coach, and life coach. You can learn more about belly fat and how it affects your health and wellness at http://www.elite-wellness-coaching.com/maximizing-motivation.html


Thursday, January 24, 2008

What The World Can Give To You? What Can You Give To The World?

by Christopher Panlaqui

In the recent movie that I watched, one of the character asked his students "What the world can give to you? What can you give to the world?" this scenario struck me so much, and to think of it he is just talking to his students who happens to be on grade school only - children that knows little about the game we call life.
I realized life is a game that all of us must win to the game we call Life's journey. But before you win you need to be aware and we need to practice. Do you show up for practice? That's the question I'm asking you. What do you mean? I'm not on any sports you might reply. ...Not so fast partner! You may not know it, but all of us (including you) are involved in sports.

Without exception we all play "The Sport of LIFE". ..That includes every single one of us my friend! This game of life lasts until the time on the playing field of earth runs out. It is my personal belief that every single person has been created in the image and likeness of God and holds seeds of greatness deep inside of them, but it's up to us to manifest them and fulfill our task as beings. It's our responsibility to do so. ...On top of that, we are born to pursue this (greatness) so we can develop more to give back to others. We cannot give much from lack, it is better to have an overflowing cup. We were meant to live in abundance in all areas.
There's only one small problem some folks play seriously and purpose to win, while others do not even seem to have a clue they are playing in the mend game. Imagine that, not showing up for the most important game you are in Life! If that's you, it is not always your fault, but either way the case in hand is that the game continues whether you know your playing or not.
So what makes some perform exceptionally well in this game while others seem to struggle just to get even one play completed in short, what is the difference? Why some people happy, successful and loving life, while others seem to be struggling like crazy in ALL areas?
The answer is PRACTICE. Practice makes all the difference in the world. Good practice and preparation is essential to success. Practice is what allows you to perform with poise in the tough game situations like "when opportunity knocks in your life". I was watching interviews with some of the greatest basketball players and one said that "practice is the struggle and the tough part that has to be done...it's what put you in a position to win and through the preparation makes the game fun!"
When practice or preparation is good, the game gets easier. So how do you practice for the game of life? "CREATE GOOD HABITS and GOOD ATTITUDE". Your habits and attitude will predict your future. High performance and good practice go hand in hand. Take out a sheet of paper and write down all of your habits through each day for one week and at the end of the week evaluate them. You might be in for a BIG surprise. Then start creating habits like reading self improvement books, setting and reviewing goals, meditating on your dreams, making new and better relationships, challenging yourself more, taking advantage of opportunity and more, getting more spiritual, working out, eating healthy, etc. Once you have your new habits down and good attitude, it's time to start working hard on them ONE AT A TIME so you do not get overwhelmed. Then when you are asked the question "Do you show up and push yourself in practice?" you will reply absolutely, every day and just watch how the game of life gets easier! Get Fired up about your future...nobody else is going to if you do not act! I'm backing you, when no one else believes in you. GO FOR IT! Because life is beautiful so we need to live each day as it is our last day! We need to win to this game of our life.
A College Professor in Business and Accountancy and Human REsources Manager
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Change is Good

by Dianna Hobbs

At one time or another, while you were going through transition, you've probably heard someone say, "Change is good." Well, why does a good thing feel so bad sometimes? There are a number of reasons why. Change is only good, if you know how to adjust your mindset and your behaviors, in order to accommodate it.
I'll begin by acknowledging that, though good, change is hard. It's not easy to adjust to a new set of circumstances. But, it's also not impossible. It makes me think about a recent decision I made. Wanna hear it? Well, I've been growing my hair for a little over two years now. It finally grew past my shoulders and midway down my back. However, I decided to cut it yesterday.
Somehow, after all of my long hair fell to the floor, suddenly, I didn't feel so enthusiastic about the whole thing. Oddly, all of the excitement and anticipation surrounding that grand moment, faded away. And I was left, looking in the mirror, wondering what in the world I had just done.
What's my point? I'll tell you. We all like the idea of change, but we don't typically enjoy the actual process. Here's the problem. All too often, we idealize the "outcome," but we never prepare ourselves to deal with the reality of the situation that precedes the outcome.

You see, we glamorize the wonderful " improvements" we will experience in our lives when we get: a new job, a new house, or a new business opportunity. But , we don't factor in the period of adjustment that accompanies accepting a new job... or the increased responsibility that comes along with a new house... or the large volume of work required to take advantage of a new business opportunity... or in my case, the amount of maintenance required to keep a nice haircut.
That is... if I don't want to walk around looking like Woody-Wood Pecker all day. You get my drift, right?
Here's what I want to get you to see. In order to fully enjoy the benefits of change, you must adjust your mindset, your attitudes, as well as, your patterns of behavior. There is nothing wrong with change. Besides being inevitable, it really is good for you. However, change will take a major toll on you, and negatively impact your life, if you don't know how to deal with it.
So, here's what I want you to do. Re-evaluate your notions about change. Be realistic. Know that it will have its challenges, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth it. By all means, keep that wonderful vision in the forefront of your mind. It will fuel you when times get rough.
Be sober about the situation and realize, it will take some getting used to. If you complain and dwell on how hard it is, you'll never adjust to your new circumstances. But, if you throw yourself into the process, believing that God has given you the wherewithal to thrive, you'll be just fine. I promise.
Until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
