Thursday, November 29, 2007

You Decide How You Live!

by Honman Chan

When we are doing something we like, we hardly feel tired. Many people feel this way. For example, if you go fishing for a day, sitting by the lake for 10 hours, you won’t feel tired at all. Why? That’s because fishing is your interest. You draw pleasure and joy from fishing. The main reason for people getting tired is due to them getting tired of life, getting wearied of a particular job. Such emotional tiredness can be more energy-draining than the physical strength consumed.
Psychologists ever did this experiment. They put 18 students into 2 groups of 9 students. They made one group worked in jobs that matched their areas of interest whereas the other group worked in jobs that were not their areas of interest. Not long after, the group that was working in jobs that were not their areas of interest started to make gestures. A while later, some started complaining about headaches and backaches. On the other hand, the other group of students was still full at energy at work.
The above experience tells us that people feel tired usually not due to the work itself but due to the job’s monotony, anxiety caused and frustration that people find in it. All these kill their vitality and energy to do the job. ‘How can I draw pleasure from my work?’ an entrepreneur asked. ‘I’ve just lost $150K in a business deal. I’m doomed. I’ve no cheek to face anybody now.’ Losing $150K is indeed a fact but saying ‘I’m doomed, I’ve no cheek to face anybody now’ is from his own thought and feeling.
A British once quoted, ‘Human being feel uneasy NOT due to what has happened but due to the thoughts they put to what has happened.’ In other word, the interest you will receive from an activity is a personal emotional experience and has nothing to do with that activity. A manager might be complaining about his office being too small and dull whereas a garbage collector completes his job everyday without complaint. Happy or unhappy is not determined by the external environment. Our internal attitude is the determining factor. Be it a job or a negative situation you are facing, what is going on or has happened cannot be changed. But you can change the way you feel about it. Get over with it happily or continue to curse and swear? You decide how you live!

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