Thursday, November 29, 2007

Time Is In My Hands

by Hal Manogue

" Time is/Too slow for those that wait/Too swift for those who fear/ Too long for those who grieve/Too short for those who rejoice/ But for those who love/ Time is not." Henry Van Dyke really had his thoughts together when he wrote those words. It seems I am a victim of time, if I allow myself to be. It can be something that unites my feeling about myself, but then, I can also see specs of sand fall to the bottom of an hourglass, waiting for me to end.
Time is a pretty elusive human experience, I can't capture or photograph it. When I try to describe the meaning of time in my life, I try to guage it, by past, present and future happenings. I describe time by what has happened within it. Time is thought to be linear, and to be connected to space. Time and space are the habitats I have chosen to remember who I am and to grow from the challenge. I can change them, just by the way I think about them.
My thoughts about time, just like anything else I experience, is a reaction to my subjective view of it. As Van Dyke pointed out, that view can change by events. If I believe time is something outside of me, it can make for a very difficult physical journey. Do I want time to rule me or am I in control of my life? When I leave my idea of time in the hands of someone else, it is no longer my time.
There is an ancient wisdom about time, that changed my beliefs and what I experience daily. The wisdom says that there is only one time, the NOW time. Yep, my past and future and now, are all happening NOW! In fact everything that has happened to me has happened simultaneously, not in linear order as I have been taught. This insight opens my mind to a complete new world and a new me. Can I change my past and future? If they are happening now, then the answer is, sure I can. In order to do that, I must consciously believe that everything is happening now. Since the educational process has been based on other ideas, this new reality requires me to change my thoughts. It is an opportunity to express myself in a whole new way.
In order for me to believe in the power of the now, I had to study, to verify this old truth that was locked in my intuitive memory. There is a lot of research taking place in Quantum Physics and the results are changing the way science looks at the movement of particles( I am a group of particles) through time and space. It seems these experiments are awakening our collective consciousness in ways long forgotten. Quantum Physics is confirming the fact of only one time, NOW.
Once again the wisdom of my ancestors was correct. There is only one time and I can experience and express my life by the choices I make now. I create my world by my thoughts and can change them, with another thought. If I believe, that what I pray for has already happened, that is what I will experience. So the powers of belief, imagination and prayer are the tools of reality. Time is now and is on my side. My past present and future are now!

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