Sunday, November 25, 2007

I Am A Blade Of Grass

by Hal Manogue

" If you study Japanese art, you see a man who is undoubtedly wise, philosophic and intelligent, who spends his time how? In studying the distance between the earth and the moon? No. In studying the policy of Bismark? No. He studies a single blade of grass. But this blade of grass leads him to draw every plant and then the seasons, the wide aspects of the countryside, then the animals, then the human figure. So he passes life, and life is too short to do the whole."
Vincent Van Gogh wrote that to his brother Theo Aries, in 1888. How great is that? In the busy, hustling world I live in, I forget the simple things, like looking at a blade of grass, and thinking about it as life. Too many other important things to spend precious time on, that really don't take me anywhere, except maybe to a world of worry. If I would stop and see what's in front of me, my thoughts would change. A blade of grass creates a world of Love, just by being. Now that's what life should be about.
Trying to focus outside of the daily chores of life, seemed hard at first, perhaps a waste of time to some, until I realized that I have all the time I need to create myself. I first had to answer the question; Who am I? Am I a group of cells and molecules of water, packed into flesh and bones, waiting to discover the secrets of the universe? Or am I a blade of grass, that is a whole part of the whole of the universe? Do I create myself with the power of control and dominance, or do I create myself in beauty? It took me many years to answer those questions, but the answers were well worth the wait. The Japanese masters found the answers, as I did, within.
Step by step, thought by thought, I take myself to a place of beauty each day, some days more than others. It is an innate place, we all can go, whenever we want. No special equipment needed to get there, no special help from anyone, no instruction sheet to read, only quiet centered thoughts of Love, accomplish the goal.
Wiping out the thoughts of imperfection and unworthiness that have been taught by years of distorted beliefs didn't happen overnight, but once I realized I was filled with Love, I started to change what I saw around me. I started to live and share my love in unconditional universal service. I became who I am, just as the blade of grass, and a world of magnificence appears around me, and gratitude overwhelms me.
The plants, animals, and all life are there to guide me and reconnect me with the energy of the universe. I become a strand of consciousness in the web of the Divine Matrix of All There Is, Love.

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