Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Short Sleeves Insights-My True Truth!

by Hal Manogue

" Truth is ultimately communicated through an intangible, inaudible, indescribable experience of the interaction of mind with mind. For mind can be known only by mind." Henry Chadwick Is Regius Professor Emertius of Divinty at the University of Cambridge, his words about truth certainly are mind felt. Truth is a free flowing way of being, that is seeded in love. It takes on many forms and is always present if I want to use it.
The truth is, I became scared of my truth, and in certain situations, I substituted something else to communicate my thoughts. I called it different names in order to hide from myself, and from others. But as Professor Chadwick points out, truth is communicated through consciousness, so I never really fool anyone. They accept my words in their own way and go on with their lives.
Each one of us has a truth we live by, sometimes I choose another truth to justify my actions of conformity, in order to manipulate or control situations. In doing so, I change my thoughts to believe something that is foreign to me, and give away my freedom of truth, in order to change the beliefs of others. It suddenly becomes "The Truth," that all should live by. In a world of diversity there is only the truth that is love, each of us living it in our own way. It is communicated by our consciousness, not words, although words can be symbols of truth. Truth does not control, or force its will on anyone or anything. It is pure in expression and desire. I see many people living their truth, loving all life, connected to who they are in the Divine Matrix of Love. They are inspiration.
Instead of compromising my truth for the sake of ego, I can be free of fear and the negative truth that follows it, by believing in myself. With each connected thought, I am expressing the true Source of my energy and expanding in my world. I am becoming who I am, a truthful spirit having a human experience.
My feelings know my truth. I can live and contribute to all life by creating a world with no double standards, no degrees of truth, no segregated truths and no temporary truths. I am here to become a grander version of who I am, and my truth guides me in that quest.

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