Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Speak Freely

by Sjef Van De Laak

Our intuition stimulates us to stand up for ourselves, to create our own unique direction to live our life. It encourages us to get away from the smallness, release the burden of limitations and claim our emotional independence. If we don’t do this at the right moment and disregard the advice from our intuition, we will be piling up frustrations and annoyances.
We will be creating from within a lot of tensions, which are waiting to escape when the moment is right.
The longer we wait to follow our heart, the more we will be keeping down ourselves and anger will take possession of us.
We will be like a bin of gunpowder ready to explode.
These kept down emotions, that have been kept quiet for a long time, are quiet often released through anger, madness but also a sudden pain or sickness from the body.
Let us be clear to all the people around us and let them know where you stand for. It is a sign that people should take us into consideration.
Instead of hiding our feelings, we show our feelings, although we might not always get the attention from the person we are talking to, there will always be somebody where we can vent our feelings.
We can tune our intuition and let us guide, ask the universe to set up a meeting with somebody who can guide and teach us.
Somebody we will meet in our daily life who will not only listen to our feelings, but who will also learn us how to discover our own answers.
It might be a friend or a therapist, or maybe somebody we never met before who we probably meet in the train or in a park and who notices what we do need.
All our emotions that we continue to hide and we don’t like to release, is kept in the dark and makes us psychical more unstable.
What we keep in the inner dark will build up and start to demolish us from the inside.
The temptation to keep these emotions hidden is big, because it might makes us feel more vulnerable. However wouldn’t we be more vulnerable if we keep everything hidden and keep up the show!
So let us break through this silence before it gets a chance to break us. Our spiritual freedom will be created through the release of our fear to be ourselves. Let us confront this fear, communicate with other people about it and make contact with the pain which we feel from our inside.
We don’t realize that the majority of people accept us the way we are and Are willing to help us to clear up our life.
To talk about our “weaknesses” does not indicate that you are a weak person, however it shows somebody who has the power to stand up for himself and by accepting these weaknesses we can learn from them and then release them.
We will become more honest, more beautiful and powerful people if we don’t have to hide ourselves behind this arrogant and stout disguise.
Let us set free our swallowed tears and enjoy the release of our old emotions, so we can create more space for a spontaneous laugh and a new view.
If we are ready and willing to take our self-responsibility for all that lives in us, real communication will get going and on our path of life will, you can take it for granted, show up spontaneous solutions and insights.
How can we explain self-responsibility?
It is like the obligation we have to be our own and our best therapist and the willingness to leave behind our long cherished position of victim and to wake up our forgotten power of creation.
We take the responsibility for our life if we start to realize how important it is what we think and feel and if we claim our birthright for a better quality of life.
Forget the thought that it is selfish to expect more from your life, because it is just part of the process of loving ourselves.

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