Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Right Attitude And Right Thought For Success

by Linn Comel

The process of human change begin within us. All of us have tremendous potential . Most of us willing to work hard to pay the price that demanding by success and happiness. Each of us has the ability to put our unique human potential into action and it will acquired a desire result.
Attitude is very important. Attitude is a one thing that determines how much the future we are allowed to see. It decide the size of our dream and also influences our determination when we are faced with a new challenges.
No other person on earth has dominion over our attitude. No one also can control our attitude, unless we voluntary surrender that control.
If we care all about ourselves, we must accept full responsibility for our own feelings. The most important is, we have learn to guard against those feeling that have ability to lead our attitude down.
Our attitude is an important asset, a treasure of great value, and we have to protect accordingly. The most important is having the right attitude, is one of the basic success requires.
The combination of a sound personal philosophy and positive attitude about ourselves and the world around us, give us an inner strength and firm resolve that influences all the other areas of our existences.
Right thought also one of the success component. Those who succeed possess a certain type of mind. It is true that they have ambition, vision and driving power, capacity for work, and a strong will. Also they never spare themselves, and, in addition, they seize each opportunity when it comes. But their principal cause of success is their type of thinking. They think in terms of success and achievement, abundance and prosperity.
The life tends, in course of time, to express the type of thought habitually dwelt upon. If we think consistently in terms of success and prosperity, then, sooner or later, we express these things to a greater or lesser degree in our life.

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