Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The 6 Demons Of Success

by Dwayne Gilbert

The path to success is riddled with obstacles that can get in anyones way. The key is to overcome as many of those obstacles as possible and replace them with powerful traits that encourage success in all areas of life. Though the path and journey of success at anything is always a life long journey, and one never really arrives, there are things that can be done to make the journey easier. Working on your trouble areas and making your strengths stronger is probably the most valuable thing you can put your time into in any area of your life. Here are six of the most common things that get in most peoples way when it comes to creating success in any area of their life.
The first of the six is fear. People fear different things for different reasons. Some people fear failure, so they never try while others fear success itself and what that means. Fear can be something that either immobilizes us or fear can be something that spurs us into action. The question is which of the above does fear do you to. We all fear something, and courage is not the lack of fear. Courage is the ability to fear, but still do what is necessary to get the results we are looking for. You must take the time to look at what you fear in different areas of your life. This can be a very scary and empowering exercise all at the same time. Most people do not want to face what they fear. Even fewer people are willing to do something about it once they do. Once you realize what you fear though, you can begin to take action toward not letting that fear hamper your success. For example, most parents deathly fear any type of harm coming to their children. This is completely understandable, However, ignoring this fear or hiding it doesn't cause one to take action. I pray that nothing ever happens to anyones child, that would be such a horrific thing, however, what I do urge everyone to do is to face their fears and come up with a way to use that fear to make their lives better. Once a parent realizes that they fear the death of their child, they can begin to take steps to make sure that every single moment with that child is valuable. The same is true for any other fear. Realizing that you fear failure will allow you to dig deeper and see where that fear comes from and whether or not it is justly founded. Then, and only then can you begin to develop the courage necessary to overcome that fear.
The second of the six demons of success is laziness. Laziness shows up in many different forms such as procrastination, excuses, and out right not taking action. All of these are completely unproductive towards accomplishing any goal that you set for yourself. Successful people become successful because of what they do in their spare time, and unsuccessful people stay that way because of what they do in their spare time. Most people plop themselves down in front of the television instead of taking the time to take daily steps toward accomplishing a goal. I don't care if your goal is to build a rocking chair, or a multi-million dollar corporation. Every single moment you put off doing something to get closer to that goal is another moment longer until you reach that goal. So begin to take action, and do it now. Remember, action begets motivation. What that means is that if you don't feel like doing something, begin doing it and your feeling of not wanting to do will change into motivation to accomplish the goal at hand.
The third demon of success is the inability to change your thinking. The way we think dictates everything about our lives from the food we eat to the way we walk to the things we buy. Our current thinking will dictate where are future will lead us just as our past thinking has dictated where we are today. If you want different results, you must think differently to get those results. Keeping your thinking the way it is now will only get you the same results that you have been getting. The key is to constantly challenge the way you think. The more you expand on your thinking and the more you change your thinking toward that of successful people the closer you will get toward success. Continue to learn and continue to grow. As soon as you get suck in a rut with your thinking, or keep stinkin thinkin, you will stay where you are until your thinking changes.
To read about the other demons of success read the rest of this article at Also be sure to check out the rest of the articles about how to create success in your life.

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