by Harold J. Duarte-Bernhardt
Nobel Prize-winning Indian poet Rabinranath Tagore said:
“I slept and dreamt that life was Joy.
I woke and saw that life was Duty.
I acted, and behold, Duty was Joy.”
Very well said!
We all have dreamt with the JOYS and the pleasure of life since our childhood years. “When I grow up, I will drive,” we say. “When I grow up I will travel around the world.” “When I grow up I will do whatever I want.” Even adults keep having dreams about the JOYS and the pleasures they fantasize about. “When I get married, I will be happy.” “When I get my degree then I will have more time.” “When I get a real job I will have more money.” “When I have more money I will visit resorts around the world and relax.” “When my kids grow up I will pay attention to my spouse.” “When I get a divorce and marry a good girl, then I will be happy.” It seems like the dreams and fantasies of some future JOY and happiness keep us on our toes looking forward to the fulfillment of something that will tell us we have arrived.
Very often, though, we instead wake up to the reality of DUTY. And DUTY in the mind of the immature person means unhappiness and the constant enduring of unpleasant experiences. DUTY makes “dreamers” depressed! People, who live with the illusion of some future happiness, taste the moments of JOY as insignificant and fall back into depression and darkness because DUTY is all they can see. “DUTY” driven people are not able to enjoy the moment for what it is; they are not grateful for the good experiences; their eyes are fixated in some future JOY. “DUTY” driven people live from DUTY, to momentary pleasure (which they don’t really appreciate or call JOY) and back to DUTY. Nothing says it better than, “T.G.I.F." (Thank God, it’s Friday!--Time for a break and some fun) and “Doing well for a Monday!” (Back to DUTY)
The wisdom of Rabinranath Tagore is displayed in his last statement, for it is in purposeful ACTION that we discover the truest JOY of life.
I happen to agree with those who view DUTY as boring! I have been that way since I was a young boy. Give me a purpose, something to accomplish with a purpose and you get me going! DUTY for the sake of duty is tiresome and tedious. School as duty is dull. Any job as a duty is uninteresting. Duty under the pressure of performance turns into weariness. And I do admire people who perform a DUTY “dutifully” without having to see the bigger picture of their purpose in life; I just have not found too many of those who are also JOYFUL!
Very often DUTY may get the job done but it will never become JOY unless the DUTY is driven by a sense of purpose and meaning. Purposeful ACTION is what makes the most tedious duties of life a privilege, a service, and a JOY.
Changing the diapers of a new born baby is not just a duty for a new dad or a mom; it’s undiluted JOY! Earning a living for a purpose greater than just paying the bills makes the most menial job a JOY! Working to make people happy makes a job, JOYFUL! Doing what’s right motivated by character makes moral action a JOY!
I met one of the best customer service providers I have ever met in my life, a couple of days ago. It was at an AAA (Automobile Club of Southern California) office. Wow!!! What a service! I noticed Nancy had plaques of congratulation and awards all over her office walls and desk. I said to her, “What makes you provide such excellent customer service, Nancy?” Her simple answer: “To make people smile and I have been doing it for 27 years!” We ended up talking about her married life and family. Magnificent human being! What made Nancy’s DUTY a JOY was the disposition of her heart, a CHOICE of the will and a PURPOSE. In purposeful ACTION, Nancy found JOY!
You know what’s great about joyful people?
• Joyful people are happy and content with themselves and the world around. They exude a sense of worth and self-esteem.
• Joyful people seldom boast about their goodness; they seldom complain; they are seldom heard expressing negativity; they are overflowing with RAW POSITIVE ENERGY.
• Joyful people experience less physical illness and their immune system is stronger than in negative, toxic people.
• Joyful people are easy to handle. They are not resentful or full of bitterness. Joyful people don’t victimize themselves; they don’t carry a chip on their shoulders.
Yes, sometimes, YOU HAVE TO GRIT YOUR TEETH AND ACT WITH A PURPOSE IN MIND!—JOY WILL FOLLOW SUCH ACTION and people in your universe will be grateful for your purposeful ACTION!
Nobel Prize-winning Indian poet Rabinranath Tagore said:
“I slept and dreamt that life was Joy.
I woke and saw that life was Duty.
I acted, and behold, Duty was Joy.”
Very well said!
We all have dreamt with the JOYS and the pleasure of life since our childhood years. “When I grow up, I will drive,” we say. “When I grow up I will travel around the world.” “When I grow up I will do whatever I want.” Even adults keep having dreams about the JOYS and the pleasures they fantasize about. “When I get married, I will be happy.” “When I get my degree then I will have more time.” “When I get a real job I will have more money.” “When I have more money I will visit resorts around the world and relax.” “When my kids grow up I will pay attention to my spouse.” “When I get a divorce and marry a good girl, then I will be happy.” It seems like the dreams and fantasies of some future JOY and happiness keep us on our toes looking forward to the fulfillment of something that will tell us we have arrived.
Very often, though, we instead wake up to the reality of DUTY. And DUTY in the mind of the immature person means unhappiness and the constant enduring of unpleasant experiences. DUTY makes “dreamers” depressed! People, who live with the illusion of some future happiness, taste the moments of JOY as insignificant and fall back into depression and darkness because DUTY is all they can see. “DUTY” driven people are not able to enjoy the moment for what it is; they are not grateful for the good experiences; their eyes are fixated in some future JOY. “DUTY” driven people live from DUTY, to momentary pleasure (which they don’t really appreciate or call JOY) and back to DUTY. Nothing says it better than, “T.G.I.F." (Thank God, it’s Friday!--Time for a break and some fun) and “Doing well for a Monday!” (Back to DUTY)
The wisdom of Rabinranath Tagore is displayed in his last statement, for it is in purposeful ACTION that we discover the truest JOY of life.
I happen to agree with those who view DUTY as boring! I have been that way since I was a young boy. Give me a purpose, something to accomplish with a purpose and you get me going! DUTY for the sake of duty is tiresome and tedious. School as duty is dull. Any job as a duty is uninteresting. Duty under the pressure of performance turns into weariness. And I do admire people who perform a DUTY “dutifully” without having to see the bigger picture of their purpose in life; I just have not found too many of those who are also JOYFUL!
Very often DUTY may get the job done but it will never become JOY unless the DUTY is driven by a sense of purpose and meaning. Purposeful ACTION is what makes the most tedious duties of life a privilege, a service, and a JOY.
Changing the diapers of a new born baby is not just a duty for a new dad or a mom; it’s undiluted JOY! Earning a living for a purpose greater than just paying the bills makes the most menial job a JOY! Working to make people happy makes a job, JOYFUL! Doing what’s right motivated by character makes moral action a JOY!
I met one of the best customer service providers I have ever met in my life, a couple of days ago. It was at an AAA (Automobile Club of Southern California) office. Wow!!! What a service! I noticed Nancy had plaques of congratulation and awards all over her office walls and desk. I said to her, “What makes you provide such excellent customer service, Nancy?” Her simple answer: “To make people smile and I have been doing it for 27 years!” We ended up talking about her married life and family. Magnificent human being! What made Nancy’s DUTY a JOY was the disposition of her heart, a CHOICE of the will and a PURPOSE. In purposeful ACTION, Nancy found JOY!
You know what’s great about joyful people?
• Joyful people are happy and content with themselves and the world around. They exude a sense of worth and self-esteem.
• Joyful people seldom boast about their goodness; they seldom complain; they are seldom heard expressing negativity; they are overflowing with RAW POSITIVE ENERGY.
• Joyful people experience less physical illness and their immune system is stronger than in negative, toxic people.
• Joyful people are easy to handle. They are not resentful or full of bitterness. Joyful people don’t victimize themselves; they don’t carry a chip on their shoulders.
Yes, sometimes, YOU HAVE TO GRIT YOUR TEETH AND ACT WITH A PURPOSE IN MIND!—JOY WILL FOLLOW SUCH ACTION and people in your universe will be grateful for your purposeful ACTION!
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