Sunday, November 25, 2007

Let Your Energy Flow

by Sjef Van De Laak

We all come from a place where we have no physical body. We could for example call this place (as Jerry and Esther Hicks do): SOURCE.
When we were in that place, energy flowed easily and naturally, obstacles did not exist, feeling bad did not exist.
As physical beings we are an extension of SOURCE. There is a natural connection between us and SOURCE, but we do not remember how to access this powerful SOURCE, we forgot.
So, once on our Planet Earth, energy does not flow nice and smoothly. And guess what the obstacles are? WE ARE! Especially our thoughts are.
The natural flow of energy (or love, if you like) is hindered by our own thoughts and judgements.
We can always know when we are not in connection with SOURCE, for it does not feel good. If we take a close look at our feelings, it tells us if we are connected or not. If we feel good we are connected and we are who we were meant to be.
As children we all naturally “knew” how to access SOURCE. But soon enough we learned to do what others told us, because others know best. When we were little, we were told what to do, where to go, how to behave. Others knew what was good for us. And when we are older others still know what is best for us.
And so, gradually, we get in a state of not remembering who we really are and what we really want. In the end you don’t even realize anymore what has happened and we think a situation in which we do not feel good is normal.
The Teachings of Abraham give us a clear idea of how we can turn this around, how we can again access SOURCE. We are meant to be happy and joyful beings and it teaches us that, through the Law of Attraction we can be, do and have everything that we desire.
Make a change and improve the quality of your life now.

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