Sunday, November 25, 2007

Is Your Life Stuck - 10 Ways To Get Your Life Unstuck

by Vladimir Murray

Life is of such that there will come a time when we find ourselves stuck in a rut. Things will happen that we have no control over and it doesn’t matter whether you are highly motivated, have lots of courage, rich, poor, spiritual or not it’s just the way life is.
You will know your life’s in rut and you are stuck when you find that you no long feel excited about your life, you no longer dream and you just accept things as they are, you stop trying, you are suddenly undecided, no energy, nothing seems to matter, you are gaining weight and not in good health, just to name a few symptoms.
Without warning you can find your life stuck and you may not know what to do to get yourself out of it. Here are ten things to do to help you get unstuck:
1. Take responsibility for your life. Take stock each day of your feelings, all your accomplishments both big and small, and how well aligned your actions are with what your inner purpose and desire is. Look inward and understand that you possess everything you need to have great success today, it's just that you are relying mainly on external factors for your success. By taking responsibility for changing your situation you empower yourself to break free of your rut.
2. Be aware of your feelings. Always be aware of your feelings and what they mean to you. How do you handle these feelings, what do you do when things are good, what do you do when you are under pressure or overwhelmed. When you can identify your behaviors quickly you will better be able to control them and avoid your life getting stuck.
3. Baby steps will get you there. It is our tendency to wait until some major life event to occur before we even begin to break out of our rut, when the best way for us to quickly escape this hell-like, self-imposed prison is simply to take small steps each day toward improving our life.
4. This too shall pass. This may be hard to believe or accept when you are in a rut. It may seem like you will never break free, but ask yourself “Was I always in a rut?” it is highly unlikely that things were always this way for you and certainly not for your whole life. So by recognizing that this is just simply a phase you are going through, you will begin to take the pressure off and begin to make the changes necessary to get you out of the rut.
5. Eat healthy. When times are bad there is a tendency to engage in destructive behaviours especially with your eating habits. You may find that you eat far too much sugar and carbohydrates, or consume alcohol and stimulants just to escape reality. You must break these habits and decide to start eating healthy. A healthy diet can stave off many of the health related diseases out there like diabetics.
6. Do some exercise. This I know may be a challenge for many, in fact it may even be seen as an irritant more than anything. But moderate exercise has been proven to have a positive effect on not only your health but also your mood and even your emotional state. So give it a try by focusing on doing at least low-grade exercises (like walking, jogging, or swimming) three days out of the week.
7. Make changes to your routine. You are likely to develop a pattern of bad habits when you are in a rut. By changing your routine, just one small change can get you started on your way to a positive outcome.
8. Get out and be sociable. When you are in a rut there is a tendency not to want to be sociable. You become withdrawn, staying away from your friends, family and the things you love and enjoy. What you must do however is to get out and join a new sport, fitness class, hobby, or any other social activity that puts you in contact with other people.
9. Change your company. Misery loves company the saying goes and when you are in a rut you will find that you are around people who are in the same position as you or who are a negative influence. Look around you, are the people in your life a positive influence, good role models or mentor that can help you navigate you way out of your rut.
10. Positive reflection. Spend some time (I recommend 30 minutes) each day in quiet reflection, focus inward and fill your thoughts on more positive things. If you do this consistently within just a few weeks you will begin to feel less terrible about your current rut.
Consistently use these techniques to help you to get yourself out of the rut and begin your living life the way you truly desire.

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