by Theresa Williams
Is success scary? Fear is sometimes a fantasy of our own making.
There are things we should be fearful about, such as having a traffic accident, falling from a great height or certain illnesses.
There are things we are fearful about in our everyday lives like talking to strangers. Because of this fear we put up a wall to protect ourselves. From what? Being rejected?
As children we are taught, and rightly so, not to talk to strangers and there are very good reasons for this. But as an adult what is the problem. Very few of us ate going to be taken away with a piece of candy.
The fear of rejection by another is only that, rejection. Some will say yes and others no. We do not die when this happens; the sun rises and the birds will sing. There are ways to learn how to approach people that will minimize rejection.
That type of fear we need to put them away with our childhood games and toys; it need to be banished with Santa.
Fear cannot stop us from accomplishing what we want to do, we that for ourselves and very successfully. The only thing to do with fear is to go through it.
Now, fear can be used as the energy to help us do our best when entering a new situation. For example, the first time I thought about writing articles for the net, I was petrified. Who me, I thought, I cannot do this, where do I start.
Well, I put pen to paper or shall I say fingers to the keyboard and I conquered the fear. Each time I write and article I get more confident and the fear lessens. Someday I will be very good at it but only if I keep writing.
One of the wonderful benefits in my opinion of the internet is that no one knows who you are and they really do not care. I can sit around on my bed in my nightdress and write.
You can try out your own intentions with privacy and in time become successful without anyone knowing what you look like, how old you are and where you live.
One more thing about fear and success is that you must keep your intentions away from people who will not support and build your confidence. Only after you obtain your goal you can tell if you wish. I have not told anyone that I write. They would only raise their eyebrows and say, who you? write?
By telling one person you open yourself to all in your circle knowing and some will have all the reasons in the world why you will not succeed. You know the saying, silence is golden. Go ahead, fear the fear but do it anyway.
For more information and help on the subject visit my website.
Is success scary? Fear is sometimes a fantasy of our own making.
There are things we should be fearful about, such as having a traffic accident, falling from a great height or certain illnesses.
There are things we are fearful about in our everyday lives like talking to strangers. Because of this fear we put up a wall to protect ourselves. From what? Being rejected?
As children we are taught, and rightly so, not to talk to strangers and there are very good reasons for this. But as an adult what is the problem. Very few of us ate going to be taken away with a piece of candy.
The fear of rejection by another is only that, rejection. Some will say yes and others no. We do not die when this happens; the sun rises and the birds will sing. There are ways to learn how to approach people that will minimize rejection.
That type of fear we need to put them away with our childhood games and toys; it need to be banished with Santa.
Fear cannot stop us from accomplishing what we want to do, we that for ourselves and very successfully. The only thing to do with fear is to go through it.
Now, fear can be used as the energy to help us do our best when entering a new situation. For example, the first time I thought about writing articles for the net, I was petrified. Who me, I thought, I cannot do this, where do I start.
Well, I put pen to paper or shall I say fingers to the keyboard and I conquered the fear. Each time I write and article I get more confident and the fear lessens. Someday I will be very good at it but only if I keep writing.
One of the wonderful benefits in my opinion of the internet is that no one knows who you are and they really do not care. I can sit around on my bed in my nightdress and write.
You can try out your own intentions with privacy and in time become successful without anyone knowing what you look like, how old you are and where you live.
One more thing about fear and success is that you must keep your intentions away from people who will not support and build your confidence. Only after you obtain your goal you can tell if you wish. I have not told anyone that I write. They would only raise their eyebrows and say, who you? write?
By telling one person you open yourself to all in your circle knowing and some will have all the reasons in the world why you will not succeed. You know the saying, silence is golden. Go ahead, fear the fear but do it anyway.
For more information and help on the subject visit my website.
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