Sunday, November 25, 2007

I'm More Than Words Can Say!

by Hal Manogue

"I don't take your words merely as words. Far from it. I listen to what makes you talk; Whatever that is; And me listen." Shinkicki Takahashi was born in the fishing village of Shikoku, smallest of Japan's four main islands, in 1901. He is considered one of Japan's most prolific poets and was greatly honored throughout the country before he died in 1987. This is one of his works titled, "Words." As you can see, his thought was Zen, and as you might suppose, there is no correct interpretation.
Words are the symbols we use to communicate with one another. They are the foundation for how we perceive each other. With one word I can do as much damage as any weapon can do. I create words with thought and from the words matter is formed.
I was taught to listen and be respectful to those who spoke to me. I could then form my own thoughts and words around that discussion. How did it make me feel to be judged or hated or discounted? What matter did I create from those feelings? How did I project myself back to my listener? What vibration was I attracting from what I was hearing? How long did I feel and become the message, that was given to me?
Takahashi brings up an interesting thought. "Listen to what makes you talk," says to me that I must feel where the words are coming from. Are they said in anger, fear or pain? Those feelings only create lower vibrations and disconnection. By searching for the better thought I can change my words and my reactions to them. No one can make me feel anything that I refuse to feel. If I raise my vibrations with better thoughts, my words change, my world changes, and the people in it change as well. I become what I want to hear. I listen to what everyone says, and perceive what I am, by feelings of love. That's what Takahashi listened for, if it was not present he was deaf. I can be deaf and live a life of joy, and hear everyone. It is the choice I make, to vibrate with the words that create the matter I live in. We all have the same choice.
Now, in conversations, I listen to where the words are coming from. If it is a place outside of love, I move my thoughts to love. I accept, forgive and release any negative words, and send them into the universe to be recycled in a black hole. The universe is the birthplace of matter, and the recycle center for pain. My connection with the web of the Divine Matrix, is there to assist me in vibrating in love.
Words are the symbols I use to identify myself and my world, and my alphabet has four letters in it: L-O-V-E. Love is much more than words can say.

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