Thursday, November 29, 2007

Your Life And You - Compatible?

by Anja Merret

Here's a story for you. A newspaper I was reading talked about a Reverend Billy in the United States, who although no ordained minister, was out with his church choir every day, preaching against consumerism. He is the founder of the Church of Stop Shopping. He marches into a shop and lays his hands on a cash register to exorcise the demon out of the machine. And his choir, acting like a Greek chorus, sings anti shopping hymns. In another example, the Church of Scientology is spreading its wings and opening up centres world wide. That religion is based on some writings of a science fiction author. Can it get any weirder one thinks.
Yet at the same time, the statistics of church goers to the more traditional churches in the western countries show a huge decline in attendance. The catholics, protestants, methodist and anglicans and others too numerous to mention, are not going to church anymore. And the evangelists are pulling them in by the thousands, are producing enough videos and films to keep TV channels humming and having the punch to populate radio stations. Let's see what they will get up to on the internet coming soon to a computer near you.
What is it that the hoopla of the evangelical movements can deliver to people that the traditional churches are missing out of. Is it the entertainment value to the sessions perhaps? Is it the fact that there are strong youth movements, the children are looked after, while the parents are also catered for, with other words it is a family outing? Is the preacher more enthusiastic than the ones found in the traditional churches? Possibly these are all factors, but I don't think they really put the finger on the problem. For me the reason why the evangelical movements are so powerful is because they preach a belief system that ensures that the followers, are true followers. You are told what to believe, and no analysis or thought is required or encouraged. Talking in tongues is pretty much an indication of the brain having shut down.
Does the traditional church spend too much time and effort on rationalising religion? No I don't think it is that either. The traditional churches had it right in the earlier years where they treated their followers with some peculiar ways. If you had sinned you had to pay, repeat a certain number of prayers and were promised hell and damnation if you didn't toe the churches line. Every now and then one member of the congregation would get tortured, a woman would get burnt as a witch, just to keep the ordinary folk in line. That doesn't mean that the evangelical movements necessarily are as harsh with their congregation, but they expect a blind following and adherence to doctrine. Of course there are some extreme movements where the followers have killed themselves for their chief and his beliefs.
So it is the blind faith that makes these fringe religious movements so popular. Or at least that is a large component of the whole package. It seems to me that the human race has a major problem in making decisions for themselves, which is what allows them to be lead, whether it is by some insane religion, TV advertising, popular opinion, TV reality shows where the audience actually buys into the fake scenario, soapies, movies, celebrity lives, thin models and many more instances where it seems that no logic pierces the befuddled mind of the man in the street.
Not being able to make a decision for oneself is one of the prime reasons for the unhappiness and restlessness that one can see everywhere. The huge numbers of gurus, life coaches, books, DVD's that are out to help people find their personal power, inner balance, passion, life journey etc indicate that there is a huge disenchantment in people. They know its not happening for them. But they just don't know what the solution is. Many people then attach themselves to religious cults because somehow this particular evangelist or guru seems to have the answers, and if they follow that, then possibly the answers will come to them as well. In terms of life coaching, I have come across one series of teachings which is worth considering, if you are feeling restless, powerless, unable to motivate yourself and generally disenchanted with life. For more to move forward to greater well-being and happiness visit


Motivation - Your Key To Success

by Tammy Embrich

Motivation is just about the most important element for success in any work at home business. If you don't posses this key element with your business or your websites, then it's very unlikely that you will succeed.
Granted, it is difficult to stay motivated at all times...and we all go through low valleys with our home businesses. But it's through these valleys that we grow and learn from our mistakes.
How do you stay motivated and focused?
There are a number of things that you can do to accomplish this...
Marketing Ideas:
When promoting your business or website, always try and conjure up fresh marketing techniques/methods. If something hasn't been working for you, then move onto something new. The ideas are literally endless with marketing. And the most important thing...there are tons of free promotion out there for the taking. Remember, you don't have to pay for advertising in order for it to be effective. It could be...networking on message forums, exchanging links with other business owners/webmasters, article marketing, getting listed in directories, ezine ads, signature advertising, and others. But, that's a whole other article topic there. The idea is to always strive for fresh marketing ideas. Now, we can't neglect the tried and true "word of mouth." Quite effective, give it a try!
Purchase New Products For Your Business:
Now, we all know that in order for you to be a success with your business, you have to know your products and have a passion for them. You have to love the products you are selling! The better you know your products and love them, the more likely it will be that you will keep getting the sales. What better reason to purchase some of your favorite, featured, new products that are in stock? Show them off! If it's makeup, jewelry, or what have you...take them with you wherever you go. Show the new products off to your friends and family. Be enthusiastic about your products!
The same goes with a website. If you are not a home business representative for a company, but own a website...tweak your website to your liking. Make it something you love and can be proud of! If you love your website, then you will love showing it off and promoting it. If you find yourself getting bored with it or it has become outdated, change it...update it! Whether it be content, color, theme, whatever. Tweak it until you really love it. It's also a good idea to make your website as appealing as you can for your target audience.
Change Your Atmosphere:
Now this one may sound silly to some...but this has worked for me. If you have a particular room for an office, move the furniture around if feasible...If it is a very small room, then you won't have many options as to moving things around. But you can change colors or themes for your office. What colors or themes make you feel most creative? What colors or themes make you feel happy? What colors or themes make you feel most productive? It's something to think about. Purchase a new day/month/year planner. Perhaps a new calendar or a new writing notebook.
Exercise...Take A Break:
Exercise is great for both the mind and body! It's also a great way to clear the mind when you feel overworked or stressed out. When you find yourself not in motivation mode and are lacking in that much needed gusto...take a brisk walk to clear the mind. You may be surprised at what happens. Most of the time when I take a break from my time online, whether it be a walk, lunchbreak, or just watching some TV...I come back refreshed, and even sometimes, with some new ideas.
Stay In Contact With Your Customers:
Always stay in touch with your customers. Call them up. Check to see if they are satisfied with the products they purchased. Are they enjoying the products? Offer some friendly advice. This could also lead into an additional sale for you...and that always creates more motivation! Try and get to know your customers and even establish a new friendship.
Network With Other Business Owners Or Webmasters:
If you haven't already, join some home business or work at home message forums and get to know and network with others. Use your signature on these forums. This will not only get your business out there, but you will also find useful information on most of them. Make sure you always read the rules of the forum first though. Ask questions, offer advice on things you are knowledgeable about. Make friends and have fun.
If you're a music lover, have some soft music playing while you are working. This isn't for everyone though. Some people prefer not to have music playing and want it quiet. It's all in what you like or prefer. And for some people, music can give that much needed extra push in getting started with the work day. Try it sometime. You might be pleasantly surprised.
The idea here is to do everything you can to remain focused, motivated, and even challenged for being the best you can be at moving forward with your business. Do some research and look up more motivation articles and tips. Motivation is the key to success.
Wishing everyone an abundance of both!


You Need One Special Kind of a Vision to Motivate

by Hans Bool

The expedition to setup up a vision is needed to motivate your organization. “I have a dream,” is often taken as an example when discussing the importance of a (business) vision.
A vision should motivate.
And you need to walk your talk.
The first step is the most difficult. Not for those who are easily motivated by dreams, pictures and other “harmless” material.
But how would you motivate someone who doesn’t “see” the first step. It is this first step that could define the direction of the next ones.
The dilemma resides in the fact that with the big picture there is no first step yet. Drawing an ideal picture could present a big gap between here and there. And to bridge this gap, you need a complex construction. You need a project, you need resources, you need money, time, engineers and other technical experts you are not familiar with. Before you know it, the little energy you had accumulated fades away.
Is there a way to focus on the first step, and closing the curtain for all that is to come, like the clutter behind the doors of an untidy closet?
There is a way to focus on the first step.
A vision is not only about having people imagine the oasis in the dessert. Not only about the paradise on earth.
You also need a vision to show people to walk. Avoid presenting static decors about where you want to be. Concentrate on the concept of Time; your friend or enemy. Show and express that Time will leave you when you should decide to stay.


You Decide How You Live!

by Honman Chan

When we are doing something we like, we hardly feel tired. Many people feel this way. For example, if you go fishing for a day, sitting by the lake for 10 hours, you won’t feel tired at all. Why? That’s because fishing is your interest. You draw pleasure and joy from fishing. The main reason for people getting tired is due to them getting tired of life, getting wearied of a particular job. Such emotional tiredness can be more energy-draining than the physical strength consumed.
Psychologists ever did this experiment. They put 18 students into 2 groups of 9 students. They made one group worked in jobs that matched their areas of interest whereas the other group worked in jobs that were not their areas of interest. Not long after, the group that was working in jobs that were not their areas of interest started to make gestures. A while later, some started complaining about headaches and backaches. On the other hand, the other group of students was still full at energy at work.
The above experience tells us that people feel tired usually not due to the work itself but due to the job’s monotony, anxiety caused and frustration that people find in it. All these kill their vitality and energy to do the job. ‘How can I draw pleasure from my work?’ an entrepreneur asked. ‘I’ve just lost $150K in a business deal. I’m doomed. I’ve no cheek to face anybody now.’ Losing $150K is indeed a fact but saying ‘I’m doomed, I’ve no cheek to face anybody now’ is from his own thought and feeling.
A British once quoted, ‘Human being feel uneasy NOT due to what has happened but due to the thoughts they put to what has happened.’ In other word, the interest you will receive from an activity is a personal emotional experience and has nothing to do with that activity. A manager might be complaining about his office being too small and dull whereas a garbage collector completes his job everyday without complaint. Happy or unhappy is not determined by the external environment. Our internal attitude is the determining factor. Be it a job or a negative situation you are facing, what is going on or has happened cannot be changed. But you can change the way you feel about it. Get over with it happily or continue to curse and swear? You decide how you live!


Winners and Winning

by Jim Kelley

Winners get things done. And winners know how to get more done in less time. Winners know that to be more productive, you begin by thinking more productively. When you accomplish more on the inside, you get more done on the outside. Because you are a winner, you take pride in both the quality and the quantity of your achievements. You accomplish more and produce more in everything you do.
Does this describe you? If not, then it is time for you to make a change. It has been said, "If you keep on doing what you are doing, you will keep on getting what you are getting." Are you satisfied with what you are getting? If you are not, then you must change. One is never to young or too old to change. Even the mighty and magnificent eagle recognizes that change must happen in order to continue being a winner. Here is the story of the eagle's transformation.
The story of the eagle...
The eagle has the longest life-span of its' species.
It can live up to 70 years But to reach this age, the eagle must make a hard decision.
In its' 40's, Its' long and flexible talons can no longer grab prey which serves as food.
Its' long and sharp beak becomes bent Its' old-aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, become stuck to its' chest and make it difficult to fly.
Then, the eagle is left with only two options: die or go through a painful process of change which lasts 150 days.
The process requires that the eagle fly to a mountain top and sit on its' nest.
There the eagle knocks its' beak against a rock until it plucks it out . After plucking it out, the eagle will wait for a new beak to grow back and then it will pluck out its' talons.
When its' new talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its' old-aged feathers.
And after five months, the eagle takes its' famous flight of rebirth and lives for ... 30 more years.
If you are not satisfied with where you are in life or not able to reach the goals you set for yourself, then you must become like the eagle. Re-evaluate where you are and if you are satisfied, just keep on going.
If you are NOT -- CHANGE. You, too, can be an Eagle.


Wild Berries or Your Life

by Honman Chan

A man fell off from a cliff after being chased by a tiger. Fortunately, in the midst of falling down, he caught hold of a bunch of buttress roots hanging down from somewhere on the cliff edge. He looked up and saw that tiger still at the cliff top, staring at him. When he looked down to the bottom, he saw another tiger waiting to devour him should he fell. Before he could begin to think of what to do next, he saw the worse! Two rats, coming from nowhere, were nibbling at their fastest speed the remaining roots of the buttress that were supporting him in the air. The man felt despaired. ‘I am doomed!’ he thought to himself. Just then, he suddenly caught sight of some wild berries growing nearby within his reach. He plucked some of the berries, stuffed in his mouth and chewed on them as he said to himself, ‘How sweet!’
How silly is the man. The time for him to pluck and finish eating the berries might just be the time sufficient for him to get out of the situation and saved his life. But think again! Although he was in a crisis, he did not let go of the opportunity to taste the wild berries that came his way. When in a crisis like the man, would you be brave enough to take leave from the extreme critical situation for a while to receive and enjoy every good thing that come along your way? Life is short. Live it to the fullest.
Life is like a cheque signed with a huge sum of money. Love it but do not be a spendthrift or a miser. Why spend it extravagantly only to find yourself empty-handed at the end and why keep the money in a secret place only to find your cheque turn into a piece of waste paper at the end? Make full use of it! Every minute, every second, right now! The numerous steps of meaningful ‘right now’ that you have lived will lead you to the road of success!


Short Sleeves Insights- Where Are My Keys?

by Hal Manogue

"Act without doing; work without effort. Think of the small as large and the few as many. Confront the difficult while it is still easy; accomplish the great task by a series of small acts. The Master never reaches for great; thus she achieves greatness. When she runs into difficulty, she stops and gives herself to it. She doesn't cling to her own comfort; thus problems are not problems for her." Lao-tzu, the Chinese recluse, wrote those words over 2500 years ago. It's interesting that I somehow thought, the ancient people, were so far behind our modern day thoughts. Now I realize it's the other way around. The more I remember, the more I understand that we have left the door to knowing locked, by distorted truths and beliefs. Our minds have been placed in a box of fear, and the lid is covered with misconceptions.
Lao-tzu's words ring out like a stadium filled with high school cheerleaders. I make the simple things in life difficult. I act by doing, pushing, forcing. I work in stress, anger and judgement. I try to cut corners, in order to achieve a great task. I reach for greatness, when in fact, I don't feel great. I think of the few as not enough, and the many as no where near enough. I confront the difficult by running away from it. I look at myself and see disappointment, loneliness, and depression. The door to knowing is locked and I have lost the keys.
Lao-tzu uses the word Master to signify oneness within ourselves. All the acts he describes are thoughts I live daily. It is how I think that creates the problems or lack of problems. I have the keys to unlock the door of knowing, I just need to reach inside of me and use them. I have feelings and emotions that will show me the way to act, if I allow them the freedom to work. I have ancient wisdom within me that will teach me, If I allow it to speak. I have unlimited love surrounding me, all I need to do is to let it in by my positive thoughts. I have a center of Divine Oneness that is waiting for me to remember it, by accepting and touching it with my thoughts. These keys unlock my door and I begin to live in harmony.
No major surgeries or drama to deal with, just an awakening within myself, that changes my beliefs. I begin to experience those beliefs and then express them. I become a symbol of peace. The symbol of abundance. The symbol of love. Quite a key chain, don't you think?


When Others Don't Believe in You, Believe In Yourself

by Carolyn McFann

Sometimes it seems that when you are doing well, people you care about the most may not be as enthusiastic about it as you are. It can be frustrating, to say the least. Don’t let those, who put down your good luck or accomplishments, get you down. Instead, use their lack of interest or support as motivation to do even better things. Remember, you don’t need anyone’s approval, just your own. Don’t let others’ negative or indifferent attitudes affect your desire to grow and prosper.
When I left my ex, money was really tight. I researched apartments as I packed to leave, and found some that were really nice. Unfortunately, not having a current rental history (we lived in his place) made the landlord of one particularly nice unit deny my application. It was devastating. It was a cottage, with solitude and had charm and character. So, the neighborhood was less than wonderful, it had its own private garden to access through locked gates. To me, it was perfect, despite older appliances. Frustrated, I looked even harder at apartments, renting a suite in a hotel until the right place was found. To my surprise, after seeing ten different places, I found a really lovely one. It was much more elegant than the little cottage, and in a top neighborhood, near the ocean. Situated on a lake, nature was all around. This quiet place; complete with big windows, more square footage and new appliances, was absolutely perfect. And, they accepted me! It cost a little more than the other place, but that was not a problem. By going beyond what was originally planned, my situation improved more than was ever expected.
Starting a diet can be hard. When the weight finally begins to come off, some friends may try to sabotage your success by encouraging you to eat fattening foods. Don’t listen, and stand your ground. It takes perseverance and willpower to keep the weight loss going. Trust me. I lost 40 pounds by not listening to other people’s suggestions of “One slice of pepperoni pizza won’t hurt,” or “Have some cheesecake, I won’t tell anyone.” Don’t fault them for it, but be firm in your conviction, to not overeat. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Some people may get mad, but who cares? It’s their problem, not yours. Doing good things to make your life better and healthier are never anything to be ashamed of.
When I was much younger and blonder, my boss at a phone operator job used to mistake me for the coffee vendor. He used to bark at me to make his coffee, not to dark or too light. What a flaming jerk. I was a phone operator, not someone to make the perfect coffee for him. Secretly, I wanted to tell him to go to a coffeehouse and leave me alone, but I kept my mouth shut. He assumed that I was brainless, but liked my phone work. I put up with it for awhile, and then thought to myself, “What on earth am I doing? I can do better than this!” Sick of being called, “Baby” or “honey,” I gave my two weeks’ notice and got a better job in a publishing company, making double what my old job paid previously. It just took a little motivation and belief in myself. The new job had a respectful boss, who didn’t belittle and gave bonuses every year. It felt good to be treated well for my accomplishments, instead of being thought of as some sort of doll to play with.
When you have a dream, it is your job to work hard and accomplish it. Anyone who doesn’t believe in your dreams doesn’t need to hear about it. Keep it to yourself and be content knowing you are following your heart. Your values, likes and dislikes are your own, as are your dreams. Don’t follow others’ dreams, and don’t let anyone try to control you. It is your life. You are responsible for yourself and your own decisions. If you surrender your personal power to others, many will gladly tell you what to do or think. Believe in yourself. You can do it, and if you haven’t yet, then be patient. Think about the task at hand as a puzzle, and set out to figure it out, one step at a time. Each successful step towards your goal is a victory, so be proud of it. In time, goals will be accomplished, and your confidence will grow. Someday, people who didn’t believe in you may change their minds. If they don’t, be satisfied knowing that you accomplished your goal on your own. Be your own friend, and supporter. Give the world the best you’ve got, and good things will come back to you in return. Just wait and see.


When Life Throws Me Lemons

by Dwayne Gilbert

When life throws me lemons, I sit back and drink lemonade.....while throwing artillery rounds back at life. Sometimes life can get overwhelming. Sometimes, it seems as though we aren't making any progress at all. Sometimes, life can just throw so much crap at us that we have no idea which direction to go or what to do next. When you are on the path of personal development or personal growth, there will always be times when where you are heading seems so far away. You need to remember to reflect back on where you have been, and how far you have traveled.
No one has ever accomplished anything without sacrifice. There are parts of yourself you will have to give up in order to get what you want and to get to where you want to go. There are parts of your life that you will have to leave behind in order to accomplish what you want to accomplish. There are times when it will seem as though you have a mountain to climb, and the other side to go down before you get to where you want to be. Sacrifice is about giving one thing up for another. Being willing to let go of this, in order for that to happen. You must be willing to give things up right now in order to get to where you want to be tomorrow.
The only difference between the have and the have not's in this world is simple. The have's are willing to do what the have not's are not. Instead of complaining about what is happening and what is going on, the have's take action. When life throws them lemons, they sit back and drink lemonade while returning fire back at life. The have not's complain about the fact that the lemons smell bad and some of them are rotten and life hit them in the head with one and why does life have to play so rough. You must be willing to give up what others will not give up. You must be willing to stay up later to get things done than others will stay up. You must be willing to get up earlier than others will get up. You must be willing to do what others simply will not do in order to get what you want and where you want to go. The have's have because they are willing to grow and expand and do what needs to be done regardless of whether they like it or not. The have not's would rather do the minimum, and wish for more.
Walt Disney once said, "If I have an idea I will ask ten people. If nine of them think it is a stupid idea, I will do it." Walt Disney knew that most people will simply make excuses for why they don't have or why they can never have. He also knew that if he wanted his dream to become a reality he had to do what it takes to get there. There are tons of stories of successful people who cut ties with family members to get to where they wanted to go simply because those family members wanted a free ride or wanted to keep those successful people at their level instead of help them grow and get to where they want to go. Sometimes the right thing isn't the easiest thing to do. If it were, everyone would be successful and happy. Luckily, you and I are the type of people who would rather be happy and joyful than liked by other people. Move forward, and when life throws you lemons, make lemonade and send artillery rounds back at life.


When Inspiration Walks In

by Craig Harper

I do lots of writing, not just for my blog but also for books, magazines and preparing for my seminars and workshops. The truth is sometimes it's hard to be creative, inspirational, insightful and original. There's so much amazing information, inspiration and education flying around in all sorts of forms that occasionally, it's a real challenge to write something that I'm genuinely happy with... especially when I'm on a dead-line. For my magazine articles I have mandatory deadlines; when the work absolutely has to be emailed to my editors. And for my blog, I have self-imposed dead-lines.
Because my life is crazy (fun but crazy), I usually don't start writing my blog until about 10pm. That's after the phones have (nearly) stopped, the doors on my business have closed, dinner's been had and I've done some reading. Sometimes I sit down at my computer and the only thing floating around my tired little brain is a request from my body for sleep. Deadlines can stifle that creative flow. Tiredness can too. And so can stress.
Today is not such a day. Today I had an appointment with one of the most inspirational people I've ever met. And I've met plenty. Today inspiration walked through my door and I instantly knew what I would write about tonight.
Before Christmas I received a phone call from a woman who saw me on 9AM (a TV show I do some stuff on). She explained to me that she has significant health issues (the understatement of the century) and that nobody was prepared to help her with an exercise program because she was too high-risk.
She sounded interesting and we made a time (today) when we would meet.
In a thousand words (or less) I can't do justice to Lee's story but in brief, I have never met a person who has gone through so much emotional, psychological and physical pain for such an extended period of time and who has come out the other side with an attitude which is almost impossible to comprehend.
Her life and her life-experiences are so dramatic, so extreme and so profound that I sat listening to her with tears in my eyes (and we all know what an Alpha-Male I am!). I have encouraged her to write a book to share her story. Apart from the fact that she has had six different types of cancer and been told numerous times she has three months to live, she has also had chronic back pain for years, had one of her children die and has experienced more abuse and personal trauma through a range of almost unbelievable situations and circumstances than ten people should ever have to endure in a lifetime.
It's amazing how some people can teach you a lot about yourself and your life without even talking about you or knowing anything (specific) about you.
This is what Lee taught me without even knowing it:
1. Attitude is a choice.... always.
2. We all make things harder than they need to be.
3. Human beings are incredibly capable, resilient and strong when they have to be.
4. We major on minors.... a lot.
5. When we have to survive, we'll find a way. When we have no choice, we just get it done... we don't think, rationalise, complain or procrastinate because we don't have the time. We just do.
6. Being told you have three months to live is a quick way to discover what your real values and priorities are.... (pity some people have to get sick before they start putting things into perspective).
7. Sometimes it's good to laugh, even when there's no reason to do so. Sometimes it's good not to complain, even when there is a reason to do so.
8. Sometimes, the only person you can rely on is you.
9. 'Experts' don't always know. Sometimes the human spirit is more relevant than 'test results'.
10. If you have the best attitude in the worst situation, you have a chance. If you have the worst attitude in the best situation, you're doomed.
I've gotta say, I have one of the coolest jobs on earth; every morning I get up and I'm excited about what the day will bring. I love what I do and over the years I have met some incredibly successful, gifted and talented people. I have worked with Olympians, celebrities, business moguls and professional sporting clubs... but I've never met anyone who has inspired me so profoundly or who has taught me so much, in so little time, without even knowing it. Lee came to me for insight and direction but I was the student. There's some irony.
When I first met her I couldn't but help comment on a significant tattoo on her upper arm and some pink streaks through her blonde hair; not what I expected from the frail(!) articulate, cancer patient I had spoken with on the phone.
"What's with the tattoo and the rock star hair", I asked.
"I got the tattoo last year."
"I told everyone, I might be dying but I don't want to look like I am."
"I didn't have a picture of all of my kids together (remembering that one had passed away), so I got Shorty (the tattoo guy) to put them all on my arm so they're always with me."
"Works for me, Lee."
With her permission, I will share Lee's story in more detail in the near future; it is truly incredible.


What's Your Motivation

by Alejandro Diaz

In our journey to achieve success and reach our goals it is easy to lose our fire and get discouraged. At times we hit road blocks that can put us down and make it feel that we are not going to achieve success. Reaching our goals requires plenty of work, time, and energy. It is easy to get burned out, especially at the beginning where progress can take a long time to be seen. It is at these times that it is easy to quit and give up.
Finding objects or situations that can motivate you will help you along the path until you reach your goal. For some it may be their dream car, picture yourself driving with the windows down and your favorite song bleeding through the speakers. Imagining something you want and believing you will get it, will drive you and motivate you to keep going towards your goals. It may be a house or a vacation that you have always dreamed about taking. Maybe even just the freedom of being your own boss and owning your business. Print a picture of the car or item you want and place it on your desk. This way you will be motivated to work hard for it.
Motivation is the gasoline to your fire that will keep your engine running. Stay motivated. Work hard. Achieve Success. Things that may motivate you.
• Cars
• Homes
• Vacations
• Jewelry
• Education for children
• Secure financial future
• Music
Everyone has different goals they want to achieve. Daydream about what you want in life and focus on the prize to keep you going. Do not ever give up, hard work pays off.


What Super Heroes Teach Us About Personl Growth

by Dwayne Gilbert

I have always enjoyed super heroes. Spiderman, Batman, The X-Men, and many others. My favorite of all time would have to be Superman though. Superman always amazed me because he is one of the few super heroes who has to put on a costume to be normal. He also has the ability to have anything he wants, including complete rule over the earth if he so chose, but instead decided to use his powers to help people. There is one major flaw in almost every single super hero though. That one flaw is complete selflessness. Let me explain.
In our society we believe that anyone who is selfish at all is a bad person. For some reason we have picked up the idea that anytime someone does something selfish that they are commiting a sin. Now I am not saying that people should be selfish all the time and never give, however, there needs to be a balance. We should give of ourselves in any way we can to help others live better lives. However, if we don't first take care of ourselves, and if we always have others in mind with every thought, word, and deed, we will never get what we need to live a happy fulfilling life. If you only have ten dollars left until next Friday, it would be silly to give half or all of it to someone else who needs it.
It is not a bad thing to be selfish as long as that selfish is not effecting other people in a negative way emotionally, menatlly, or physically. Each and every one of us has to take care of ourselves as no one else will do so. If you give away your last meal, you will starve to death. If you are always focused on making others happy, you will never express yourself in a way that makes you happy. If you are always doing for others, when will you have the time to do for you. You need to take time to make sure you are providing for yourself on a mental, emotional, and physical level. It is the only way you will ever get closer to your goals and dreams, and hopefully you are providing for others by getting closer to your goals and dreams.
No one does anything for nothing. There is no such thing as a completely altruistic act. The return may be smaller than what is given, but nothing is done for nothing. When you donate money to a non-profit organization you don't do it completely void of emotion. You do it because it makes you feel good for one reason or another. When you stay over time at your job when you don't have to you don't do it so others can benefit. You do it because you feel a sense of duty, or you like to move forward, or for a million other reasons. Nothing we ever do is without some form of self serving reason. We tithe at church because we believe it is the right thing to do and we want to support our ministry. So be willing to be a little more selfish. Superman saved thousands of lives, but at the end of the day he had little left for himself. Often times he pushed his own happiness away so he could help other people. None of us are super heroes, but we can accomplish super hero deeds, as long as we remember to take time for ourselves.


What Kind of Player Are You? Here is What Soccer Can Teach You About Life!

by Kristine Lewis

It was a beautiful Fall morning in Michigan. If you’re from the Midwest or Northeast, you know what I am talking about. There is a crispness in the air, and the leaves are beginning to change into their brilliant colors.
I was watching my six year old son’s soccer game….my favorite Fall activity! My son’s team was undefeated so far this season. In fact, the teams he has played on over the last three years have never lost a game.
My son was not among the players that went in the first quarter. The opposing team proved to be a worthy opponent as the balled was kicked back and forth down the field with no goals scored by either team.
I thought for sure our team would pull ahead in the next quarter as some of the stronger members of the team would be in that group. To my dismay, our team (my son among them) played very poorly in the second quarter. They seemed to be almost sleep-walking…playing with absolutely no passion.
Since my son usually gave soccer his all, I was a little disappointed in his efforts. Yes, I am a competitive soccer mom! We were down two points at the end of this quarter. I wondered if this would be my son’s first experience with defeat.
While I was watching his game and all the players, life suddenly made sense. You see I often struggled with how to achieve the success I so desperately desired. Now I could see why people get ahead in business, in relationships, in sports…in life, and why some get left behind, and why some get seriously defeated in the game of life. It seemed so obvious as I watched the game unfold.
There were three types of players that day as there are in life. The first type of player is the one that doesn’t even bother to try. Whether they lack passion for what they are doing, don’t believe in their own abilities or are too weighed down by fear and their own sense of inadequacy, they never really join the game.
This player might be out there going through the motions, pretending to play, but they are not really engaged in the sport physically, mentally or emotionally. This is the player who only kicks the ball when it is right in front of their feet. They don’t have a vision or a plan for where the ball will go once they attempt to kick. And, they never bother to follow it up or chase it down.
A beautiful little girl on my son’s team exemplified the second type of player. She was fast. She was strong. She clearly possessed the ability. You could even see a glimmer of passion in her from time to time. Yet, she always seemed to run next to the ball. She would follow the opposition all the way down the field but never really give it that extra push to attempt to steal the ball away from the opposition or score a goal.
In the past, I could relate most to this type of player. I knew what to do to succeed. I had the ability. And, I had the passion…most of the time, unless the going got really hard. Then, my passion seemed to wane. I seemed all too willing to give up and go after a new “dream”, thus never achieving my goals.
When my son came out after the second quarter, I pulled him aside to give him the requisite pep talk. I told him he definitely wasn’t playing his best and wasn’t being his usual aggressive self. More importantly though, I told him he was entitled to that ball as much as anyone else and to go after the ball like he owned it.
He seemed to rally in the 3rd quarter. In fact, he scored two goals. With goals scored by his other team members during that quarter, his team passed the other team by.
Just to tell you a little more about my son…yes, he possesses the ability and the know-how for the game. However, he is also the smallest and youngest player on the team which could certainly put him at a disadvantage…yet it rarely does. When he is on the field, he is filled with passion and enthusiasm. It is simply a sight to see!
He is a player number three. He is aggressive. He won’t back down to players that are almost twice as big as him. He gets up when he falls down. He stays with that ball as long as he possibly he can. When he kicks the ball, he visualizes where he wants the ball to go and has a plan for it.
Every goal scored for his team is a celebration. And, every goal scored against his team is an opportunity to learn. He utilizes his team to achieve his goals and knows when to pass off to other players for the better of the team (or at least as well as any 6-year old can.) He knows that he has the same right to that ball as everyone else.
His team won 6-2 that day. What I thought could be his first taste of defeat was instead a wonderful eye-opening experiencing for me. I now know that to be successful, I must be a player number three. I need to stick with my goals with a vengeance even when things get tough, or I feel like the smallest person in the world.
Like my son’s game exemplified, sometimes when things are really tough, victory is just a little extra effort away. I now understand that I must visualize where I want to go and have a plan. And, when I experience success, I must celebrate! And, of course use my defeats to learn.
I must play the game with the same amount of passion and tenacity that my son plays with on the field. I know now that I have the same right to success as everyone else. That ball is mine! And, that ball can be yours.


What is Succes-Part 2

by Sjef Van De Laak

The Cambridge dictionary translates success as; “The achieving of desired results”. which is a different way of looking at success. It is success without competition. Whether you passed your test, finished a job, completed a task, have a good relationship, something we fulfilled makes us successful , regardless of the results of somebody else.
We feel satisfied and fantastic after our accomplishment.
It allows success to be different for one person than for the other. Which seems to be very reasonable, for each person is unique, with each individual and personal road-track of life, some take the highway others take a backtrack, some take a racing car others go walking, but at the end every person has accomplished the task to the fulfilment of his desire. This feeling of satisfaction and feeling well is a very strong engine for our motivation. It builds the statue of self-respect and confidence in oneself . Again it doesn’t matter whether the desire is small or big the end-result is what counts.
This means that according to the Law of Attraction, success leads to more success and gives us more strength and perseverance to continue on the road of life and to fulfil our desires.
If we look at our daily life, it most of the time is more like a highway on which we are moving with high speed to go from one task to the next one , without pulling the car alongside for a break and to analyse the success we achieved, to enjoy a moment of happiness and satisfaction.
We forget to add this success to our statue of self-respect and confidence. We are afraid to give ourselves credit for the results.
A very simple exercise to improve our self-confidence is by value-ing our success.
At the end of the day , go over what you have done that day . Look at every success you achieved big ones but don’t forget the small ones, that you might take for granted. Write them down and give yourself credit for the results.
It might seem as a sand grain in the dessert , however this will change your view of yourself and increase your self-respect and your belief in the ability to build your own empire ( life ). It might also help you to look in a different way at other people. Because the respect , value and acceptance that somebody has for oneself gives you the tools to look in a different way at other people.


What is Success-Part 1

by Sjef Van De Laak

For one it is driving a big car, or earning a million dollars a year, or being respected by people, or be able to write a book, or be the M.D. of a multinational company.
In our daily life we can be very strong influenced by the subject of success . People are often judged as successful or unsuccessful, depending on our perception of success.
The drive for success can be a very strong motivating factor behind most of somebody’s actions or decisions in relation to a certain value of status. How does our perception of success have influence on our way of living?? So how can we determine what is successful or unsuccessful?
Is it related to;
- your bank-accountz
- the car you drive
- the house you live in
- the end result of something
- how famous you are
- the wife or husband you have
How in general a person looks at himself is mostly in relation to how successful he thinks he is and not to forget what other people think of him and about success.
At schools in general, success is measured by the best end-results, the pupil who does always have the right answers , the one that has the best results in the gym-class etc.; they are the most successful In adult life it is identical, the more money, the more power , the higher in rank , the more famous, whatever you name it.
If we look at success like a competition it indicates that there are many more “unsuccessful “ people, which would mean that the majority of the people would not be able to feel good about themselves.
The dictionary might give us the solution…...
Read more about What is success in the 2nd volume.


Want To Be Happy? Be Kind To Yourself

by Tim Connor

Here is a list of things to consider doing to - pamper yourself, be kind to yourself or to help you deal with stress, frustration or any negative life throws in your way.
1. Practice forgiveness.
2. Let go of old emotional baggage.
3. Flush out negative thoughts.
4. Let go of all your shoulds.
5. Start a personal life journal.
6. Put a “do not disturb’ sign on the bedroom or bathroom door.
7. Do everything slower.
8. Start a new hobby.
9. Start a stress jar.
10. Be spontaneous.
11. See life through the eyes of a child.
12. Get control of your life.
13. Give yourself the gift of an hour a day.
14. Discover a new author to read in the bookstore or library.
15. Don’t answer the telephone when you are doing something else.
16. Spend an hour a day listening to your favorite music.
17. Release the expected and embrace the unexpected.
18. Pass it on anything you receive, a smile, an e mail, a kind deed.
19. Create a good stuff list.
20. Count your blessings in writing.
21. Say yes to everything that feels right.
22. Say no to everything that feels wrong.
23. Give yourself permission.
24. Throw something away.
25. Sing.
26. Surround yourself with color.
27. Laugh at everything.
28. Do something special for someone else.
29. Face all of your clocks to the wall.
30. Simplify your life.
31. Write a note to a special friend who you have not talked to in a while.
32. Write yourself a “love letter.”
33. Put it off, whatever, until tomorrow or next week.
34. Spend a day doing random acts of kindness for everyone you meet.
35. Start a life-long wish list.
36. Every day list 5 things that made the day - good - for you.
37. Reward yourself with something special.
38. See someone else’s faults as positive.
39. Live in the present moment.
40. Let go of all expectations of yourself and others.
41. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
42. Be optimistic.
43. Be responsible to people but not for them.
44. Listen to your inner urgings.
45. Whatever you do, do it with love and passion.
46. Be patient and trust the process of your life.
47. See life as neutral without winners and losers - victims and persecutors.
48. See those extra pounds you are carrying as stored energy waiting to be used.
49. Create psychological anchors.
50. Exercise and eat only nutritional foods.
51. Practice smiling in the mirror.
52. Choose wisely.
13 BONUS ITEMS: If you don’t like any item in the previous list you can substitute any of the following for them:
1. Detach from outcomes.
2. Control your thoughts.
3. Lock your ego in the closet.
4. Get rid of your hidden agendas.
5. Observe your own behavior.
6. Visit the pound or local animal shelter.
7. Spend an evening at a local nursing home as a volunteer.
8. Write a poem. (Doesn’t have to rhyme or make sense.)
9. Get a massage.
10. Spend a day at a spa.
11. Have a movie marathon.
12. Spend a day in the park, at the zoo, or anywhere other than your home.
13. See pain, stress, anxiety as a warning and a gift.


Wanna Succeed - Get Uncomfortable

by Craig Harper

As an Exercise Scientist and Trainer I have spent much of the last twenty-five years helping people change their body. Smaller, bigger, lighter, leaner, more muscle, more flexibility, speed, power... Athletes, non-athletes, kids, mums, dads.....whatever they were after; that's what I did my best to deliver.
Early in my career I discovered that whether or not someone achieved their desired goals had very little to do with what was possible, or their genetic potential, and everything to do with their ability to deal with discomfort.
They say that every decision we make in life is in an effort to avoid pain, or gain pleasure.
We choose to eat the cake because we associate cake with pleasure. We choose to avoid the dentist because we associate the dentist with pain. We choose to stay in a bad relationship because we associate more pain with getting out of the relationship than staying in it.
But the reality is :
1) we don't need the cake
2) we do need the dentist and
3) we should get out of that destructive relationship.
If only we would give up the cake, look after our teeth and deal with our relationship (i.e. get uncomfortable) we would discover that the short-term pain/discomfort would make way for a whole new world of possibilities and a whole new level of growth, understanding and achievement.
Some personal-power muscles.
Lesson 1. Change is usually uncomfortable.
If you want an amazing life and you're all about creating positive change, then learn to deal with, if not embrace, discomfort.
Sorry Dude. Just how it is.
In the science of strength training we talk about a concept called progressive resistance training or progressive overload.
In simple terms, the theory is this: If you want to get stronger and continue to grow muscle (hypertrophy) you need to continually manipulate the training variables (weight, sets, reps, recovery time, technique, program design) so as to constantly and progressively 'force' your body to adapt to the ever-changing stress (all exercise is a form of stress).
When we talk about changing a body, we're talking about physiological adaptation... and a body will only adapt when it has a reason to. Most people in most gyms train their body in a manner where there is no need for adaptation... that's why they typically look the same, year in, year out. Or worse.
Rather than following a program or plan which is progressive in nature (causes them to get uncomfortable on a regular basis) they follow a 'maintenance program'... because it's easy and comfortable. And they love 'comfortable.'
They don't want to maintain, or intend to maintain... but that's all they're doing. They will continue on their cycle of frustration and zero results until they give their body a reason to adapt or until they throw in the towel altogether.
This adaptation/growth principle of exercise science can be applied to life and to our personal growth.
Lesson 2. In general, a person's ability to succeed will be largely dependant on their ability to adapt (deal with discomfort and change).
Life, relationships, careers, emotions, business markets, technologies, philosophies, environments are all in a constant state of evolution. This is part of the problem; we are creatures of habit and we like familiarity; we like 'same'.
Lesson 3. We like the benefits of change, but we don't like the process. But it's the process, not the results, from where the real benefits come.
Whether it's physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, professional, social or financial growth your after.... be prepared to get uncomfortable on a regular basis and you will dramatically improve your chances of creating your best life. By the way, the minute you make that uncomfortable decision, or do that uncomfortable thing you've been avoiding, the change process becomes instantly easier and your chances of success go through the roof ... because you got your head and heart (thinking, attitude, standards, emotions) where they need to be.
And you did what you needed to do.
Just like we work against resistance in the gym and we get stronger and grow muscle, those of us who work against resistance outside of the gym (problems, challenges, opposition, criticism, self doubt, insecurity, fear) get stronger and grow a different kind of muscle; emotional muscle, psychological muscle, self-control muscle, personal development muscle and spiritual muscle... and more.
Now go and get uncomfortable... and grow some muscle.


Wait till Your Dream Comes True?

by Honman Chan

An English teacher called Brody was tidying up his old stuff at the attic when he came across a stack of old scripts. They were the ‘English composition’ of a class of children he taught 50 years ago. The title was ‘In future, I will be…….’
Brody read a few of them. The children had dreams of all kinds and he was very much enchanted by them. For example, one wrote about becoming a Navy Captain, another wrote about becoming a President of France. There were even a Circus Ring Master, Princess, etc. There was one written by a boy called David whom he remembered was blind. David believed that he would become an important ministerial officer in England in the future. Then Brody had an idea. He wanted to return these scripts to their owners, as much as he could do it. A year later, through some effort, the scripts were all claimed and none became who he wanted to be 50 years ago. One book was left unclaimed and it belonged to the blind boy David.
Just when Brody decided to donate to a museum, he received a letter from Mr. Brunkert, an important figure in the Prime Minister office. He wrote in the letter, ‘That ‘David’ is me. Thank you for helping us keeps our childhood dreams. But I don’t need that book anymore because from that moment onwards, my dream has been in my head all the time. I have never given up before. 50 years have passed and I can say that I have realized that dream.’
Everyone has great dream before while small. But some time during the days of growing up, they were changed, stolen or given insufficient nourishment resulting in not able to sprout. They remain deep in the soil. Have you hidden your dream somewhere? Or has it been changed or stolen? Find you dream back today, and believe that it will come true! Perhaps on the way of finding it back, you might come across ‘dream-stealers’. They can be your friends, parents or even your spouse. While you are happily sharing with them about your dream, they return with words like ‘difficult’, ‘impossible’, ‘be realistic’, ‘wait till…..’ etc. Well, don’t be frightened off by them. Let them say what they want. As long as you are down-to-earth, continue holding your dream tight, for they cannot steal your dream away this time!


Unless You Take Action Your Idea Would Be Just That, An Idea

by Theresa Williams

Action is the means by which you give a physical presence to your feeling.
Once you commit to an idea or thought or dream you need to take action to give reality to whatever you decided to do.
Let us assume you have always wanted to work for yourself. You have dreamed about it. You have done some research and have more or less made your mind up on a certain path you feel comfortable with. What do you do now? Just sit there? Unless you take action your idea would be just that, an idea. There are times we wait for what we love to call the right time before we start to do anything. We wait until we feel good about exercising. We buy the machine, put in the correct position in our home and wait for the right time to get on it.
We continue to do this with many different wonderful thoughts and idea and dreams we have. It is said that whatever you can do or dream you can begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
I order to get what we deserve we have to get out of our comfort zone. Anything we do on a regular basis is in our comfort zone. We, therefore, need to do things outside that zone. This will make us feel uncomfortable but only for a time. The longer we think about what we have to do the more we feel guilt, fear and we get angry with ourselves for not moving forward. The comfort zone is a place that kills our dreams by inactivity. We need to become active. We need to get out of our I hope to attitude and get moving.
When we use that hope word we put off our dream for some future date that never seem to arrive. Hope is too comfortable, let us use I will instead. Saying I will give you a more positive outlook. Focusing on the positive your dream will be seen in a different light and you can start to plan for the future. Maybe part of your plans is to work for yourself. Choose today as your I will day.


How To Find Mountain Of Motivation Within Yourself - Unleash Your Inner Giant And Be Mind Blowing

by Pushpa Pal Singh

Every human being has something positive within him or herself but often due to circumstances or situations we tend to become more negative than positive. Sometimes people tend to live their lives according to other and are always looking for reactions from other people. It basically all residues down to the out intentions at the end of the day. Our intentions are made by our negative or positive thoughts. And here is the huge mountain of motivation you have been searching for. Yes it's right there inside you. Read on to find out how you can find this mountain of motivation inside you and make perfect use of it.
Don't change the world but change yourself- This is what you need to know before you make an effort to achieve anything in life. You can never achieve anything if you expect the world to change for you or in your favor. Don't expect anything from the world or anyone around you. Learn to trust your own abilities and will.
Try till you die- What would the world have been like if the Wright brothers gave up on the idea of an air plane, what would be the world be like if Thomas Edison didn’t believe in something known as a light bulb. All these people failed several times before they succeeded therefore if you fail it still means progress. Remember you would always get what you want in life till the time you keep trying therefore learn to push it and keep pushing it until you get it.
Mind motivation- Do you know everything you do in life is simply because of your mind and the thoughts you have in it? You can either fill it up with positive thoughts or negative one's the choice is simply upon you. Your brain does it all for you if you know how to use it right. Don't let the situation of any negative thought influence your brain. Set your mind to your goal and your goal only. Don't let anything disturb you or get in your way towards achieve your desired goal.


Understanding The Law Of Attraction

by Sjef Van De Laak

Since I first heard of the LOA I have learnt a lot. I think by now my understanding of this Law is much deeper and profound than in the beginning and my plan is to proceed to read and write on the subject so it will only be getting better.
At first I thought that applying the LOA was similar to thinking positive. So I did my best to see the positive side of things that were negative to me, like a war, an accident you name it. It didn’t work.
Example; there are many aspects in the educational system of my children that I don’t like at all, to say it mildly. Instead of motivating these beautiful children and young adults, teachers are scaring them by telling them that, if they do not work really hard and do exactly what they are told, nothing will become of them and they will forever be unhappy and poor.
If their school results are bad (which is not so surprising considering the type of support they are getting) they are told that they did not do their best and they are not good enough. Try to think positive on this one! I am sure no one can.
Still it is hard to not think about it because after all we are talking about my sweet little children who get hurt. But then I learnt it is not exactly about thinking positive. It is more a question of taking the focus off the negative subject and put it on something positive.
As long as I keep my focus on the bad teachers, talk about them and discuss it with my children, friends and family, what am I doing? Right, putting all my attention on the bad teachers and by now we all know that Energy flows where Attention goes. The problem will only get bigger.
Instead I can choose to put my focus on my child, on the things he enjoys, on his talents (that everyone has!) and teach him that he also can choose to take his focus off the teachers and put it on something nice and joyful.
It works.


Unconditional Love

by Sjef Van De Laak

We are all creations of God’s image.
Essentially there is only one of us in this universe.
Given that Love is the resource of the entire Creation,
we all will be unconditional loved and supported from nature.
However love needs to be put in motion, will it be noticed and experienced.
It is like a latent Force, that needs to be stirred up to finally realize what it means in our lives.
Everything in the Universe is energy, ceaselessly in motion and in circulation.
As an exhalation creates new space for a new inhalation, everything that we give, creates new
space to receive.
All we give with all one’s heart, will once somehow or other, multiplied be returned!
That is why the best investment for the future is to let Love flow.
Let your Love flow without restraint, unconditioned and heartfelt.
This is living from an open heart, which embraces the entire Creation.
We would not be able to love somebody else, if we did not carry love within us.
Our heart is filled with love.
Every one of us has at one’s disposal so much love, that we would be able to fill the entire
universe with it.
Love is an engagement of your heart and not a calculated decision from your mind.
If your heart send out Love, there are no ulterior motives.
However if your mind decides to Love, there must be a snag somewhere.
The mind leaded by the ego, calculates first what can I gain from it.
The ego likes to measure Love into doses and let Love flow or stops love, depending on what it
likes to do at the moment.
However Love does not let itself measure in doses.
Either Love is given completely or Love is restrained, there is no comprise.
In the Universe there is no lack of Love, only the thought that Love is not available.
If people can only give us their love or respect if we have fulfilled their criterion, what is the real
quality of their Love How much value does their respect really have ??
Is it coming from their heart or from their ego??
Their love is just conditional and therefore not sincere.
Are we going to settle with this conditional love all our live time, or do we want to feel the
sensation of really be loved like the way we feel at this precious moment?
I ensure you such a unconditional Love is possible.
We do not need to possess anything or anybody and it is not depending on anybody’s laws or
mode of life.
Love is not liable at performance, what ever we do or do not do.
Unconditional Love comes from your inner being, from the core of your heart , from your sole. It
flows from the embrace of your own being and all its manifestations. Within your self-being
is the Source of authentic, pure and not simulated Love.
The Soul does not make itself subordinate at exterior results and never measures her self-respect
at the instability of the situation.
What ever happens, or which decision we take, Our Self Inner Being, The decision-maker , always will be inviolable!
Every doubt or judgement about this subject is an illusion of the Ego, which locks up itself in a dualistic conscious.
Our Soul prefers to put its attention on the challenge of being spontaneous creative Instead of trying to prove how successful she is.
She gives herself all the liberty to expand in a relaxed way, to evaluate or to grow, because the choices are not longer linked to self-judgement.


How To Beat Procrastination - Try This Effective New Approach To Overcome Procrastination

by Dan Goodwin

How often in your creative life do you go straight into creating without hesitation, without delay or distraction?
How frequently do you create WITHOUT saying “I’ll just check my email, then I’ll get on with creating”, “I’ll just make a snack, then I’ll start my new creative project” or “I’ll just finish watching this last programme, then I’ll get on with creating”..?
If you’re like many of us, these kind of “I’ll just... ...then I’ll create” statements are peppered throughout each and every day of your creative life.
Whichever way you look at them, they’re all ways of avoiding creating. They’re all forms of the dreaded procrastination.
So how can you beat procrastination and create more freely, and in a more focused way?
The usual, logical approach to take – and maybe you’ve tried this yourself a few times – is to look at WHY you procrastinate. The thinking is that once you’ve figured out why you procrastinate, you’ll instantly stop doing it.
Why this approach doesn’t work
What happens is you simply gather evidence – and possible evidence – as to why you procrastinate, and it strengthens your case.
Maybe I procrastinate because I’m scared of messing up? Or maybe it’s because I’m not sure this is the right project for me right now? Or it could be that I don’t feel I deserve to have this much time and fun creating?
The list continues... The more time you spend analysing and looking for reasons, the more your creative mind obliges and comes up with a whole pity party full of these reasons why you procrastinate. How creative your mind can be when you ask it. How ironic it’s coming up with the kind of things that are actually not helping you get down to creating!
However many reasons you come up with for why you procrastinate – and many of them will be perfectly valid and reasonable – at the end of it, you’re still sitting there with a lap full of reasons and excuses. You’re not creating any more than you were before. In fact it’s very likely you’re thinking “With all THESE reasons it’s NO WONDER I procrastinate so much”!
So what’s the alternative? Is there a different approach that does work?
Without taking action, you won’t progress. To make progress and reduce the time you lose procrastinating, instead of analysing WHY you procrastinate, look at WHEN you procrastinate and HOW you procrastinate.
We all have our favourite procrastination techniques, and we all have times and circumstances when we’re far more likely to procrastinate. Your aim is to find yours.
It’s only then, once you begin to learn when and how you procrastinate, that you have the knowledge and understanding to start beating procrastination.
So stop analysing the why, and instead observe yourself – objectively and without judgement – and find when and how you procrastinate. Then you’ll be ready to put procrastination in its place.


Today You can Make A Difference In Someones Life

by Tim Connor

Each of us has numerous opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others or the world in general. Each day people cross our path: strangers, clients, friends and relatives that give us the opportunity to touch them in a positive way. We can offer them:
-a kind word.
-a special favor
- positive acknowledgment
-a simple smile
-a listening ear
-an open mind
-a receptive heart
-belief in them and their ideas, goals and dreams
-tough love
There is more but I am sure I have made my point. We don’t have to be best-selling authors, world renown speakers, powerful leaders or special people of any kind. Each of us in our own way has something very special to give to the world and its positive future.
You may never know how a kind word from you at just the right moment or a little encouragement in times of discouragement that someone may face can have a tremendous long-term impact on the rest of their life. There are so many ways you can touch people, sharing your gifts of energy, ideas, time, counsel, love, support and belief that will help them along their journey. And, the interesting thing is that once you touch just one person they may go out and touch one also. Before you know it your simple act or words may have touched thousands of lives for the better.
-How are you making a difference in the world today?
-What legacy will you leave behind as evidence that you once traveled planet Earth?
-Who have you helped recently?
-Who has helped you in some way?
-Did you share your gratitude with them?
-Did you pass along the kindness in some other way to the next person who crossed your path?
I challenge you to make a positive difference - today - in someone’s life.


Time To Pop The Lid Off The Box!

by Hal Manogue

"The Moon's the same old moon, the flowers exactly as they were, yet I've become this thingness of all the things I see!" That is the 17th century Japanese poet Bunan, explaining a very important element in who we are. How I see myself is a very important part of how I see the world around me.
It is so easy for me, in this 3-D world of time and space, to see everything in black and white. I can add a little color now and then, but for the most part, I have cut an image of myself out of thought, while moving through my daily life. Sometimes I'm comfortable with it, other times it seems like it's not me. Everything around me stays the same, but I feel different. Another me? Could very well be.
Through discoveries in science, I now know that atoms work in amazing ways. They actually pulsate in patterns and rhythms. My mind works the same way. What I focus my attention on, is what I experience. So I could walk down the same street everyday and see the same thing, and miss many other events that are happening on that street. I could see the same people daily and experience them as I do, because that's what I look for. I am seeing and feeling what I taught myself to experience. But there is so much that I miss, right before me, because I believe what I see, is all there is. I am in the box of my own thoughts, with the lid closed.
Bunan, in his ancient wisdom, opened the lid and crawled out of the box. He awakened his mind with his consciousness and saw a new life. He saw a connection with all he experienced. He was not separated in thought from his surroundings, but united in consciousness. He felt himself, instead of seeing himself. Feelings are the language of the universe and now he could communicate with all of it, because he knew he was it. His beginnings had no ending, united with All There Is.
I am no different than Bunan. I am connected consciousness, waiting to discover other aspects of myself, when I get out of my box. I look around and see the same things, but I feel differently about them. Then I start to see new things, I am able to feel people for who they are, instead of painting a judgmental picture. I can feel my home, work and activities with new energy because I express myself in love. I become the thingness of everything by changing my thoughts about who I am.
I am just now realizing what I have known intuitively forever. I am consciousness connected to all things in a web of love, attached to a divine matrix of All There Is. With that knowledge my life has no age or limitations, unless I crawl back into the box.


Time Is In My Hands

by Hal Manogue

" Time is/Too slow for those that wait/Too swift for those who fear/ Too long for those who grieve/Too short for those who rejoice/ But for those who love/ Time is not." Henry Van Dyke really had his thoughts together when he wrote those words. It seems I am a victim of time, if I allow myself to be. It can be something that unites my feeling about myself, but then, I can also see specs of sand fall to the bottom of an hourglass, waiting for me to end.
Time is a pretty elusive human experience, I can't capture or photograph it. When I try to describe the meaning of time in my life, I try to guage it, by past, present and future happenings. I describe time by what has happened within it. Time is thought to be linear, and to be connected to space. Time and space are the habitats I have chosen to remember who I am and to grow from the challenge. I can change them, just by the way I think about them.
My thoughts about time, just like anything else I experience, is a reaction to my subjective view of it. As Van Dyke pointed out, that view can change by events. If I believe time is something outside of me, it can make for a very difficult physical journey. Do I want time to rule me or am I in control of my life? When I leave my idea of time in the hands of someone else, it is no longer my time.
There is an ancient wisdom about time, that changed my beliefs and what I experience daily. The wisdom says that there is only one time, the NOW time. Yep, my past and future and now, are all happening NOW! In fact everything that has happened to me has happened simultaneously, not in linear order as I have been taught. This insight opens my mind to a complete new world and a new me. Can I change my past and future? If they are happening now, then the answer is, sure I can. In order to do that, I must consciously believe that everything is happening now. Since the educational process has been based on other ideas, this new reality requires me to change my thoughts. It is an opportunity to express myself in a whole new way.
In order for me to believe in the power of the now, I had to study, to verify this old truth that was locked in my intuitive memory. There is a lot of research taking place in Quantum Physics and the results are changing the way science looks at the movement of particles( I am a group of particles) through time and space. It seems these experiments are awakening our collective consciousness in ways long forgotten. Quantum Physics is confirming the fact of only one time, NOW.
Once again the wisdom of my ancestors was correct. There is only one time and I can experience and express my life by the choices I make now. I create my world by my thoughts and can change them, with another thought. If I believe, that what I pray for has already happened, that is what I will experience. So the powers of belief, imagination and prayer are the tools of reality. Time is now and is on my side. My past present and future are now!


Thought – Vibration – Manifestation

by Sjef Van De Laak

How do I manifest the things I desire?
Every one knows this phenomenon; certain thoughts are going around inside of your head and you can’t seem to stop them. These thoughts can be happy, good thoughts, but of course they can also be sad, unhappy or bad thoughts.
In order to begin manifesting the things we desire we need to consistently keep our thoughts on the subject of our desire. Every time you feel it slipping away, hoopla, back to THE subject. Once we manage to keep our focus there, we will send out a certain vibration, in this case a good vibration, because we focus on something we would really like to have, be or experience.
This vibration will now attract other thoughts with a matching vibration and then it will attract things into our experience with a similar vibration; maybe a book, an article, a conversation. We will notice people are coming into our experience, people that also match our good vibration.
This is the Law of Attraction at work.
Of course, this process works always, so we better make it work in our advantage. Keeping our thoughts on illness will make us vibrate in a negative way and we will attract matching vibrations such as illness.
So the trick is to keep our focus on Well being, Health and Happy things. We will send out a positive vibration into the Universe and it will respond by sending us more of the same. Thus we attract matching vibrations and we will manifest the things we desire in our experience.
So, can we tell if we send out positive or negative vibrations? Yes, sure we can! We possess this wonderful tool called our emotions. They always tell us if we are on the right track.
Positive vibrations make us feel good, happy and healthy and strong, whereas negative vibrations make us feel sad, unhappy and depressed.


Thoughts on Failing to Plan

by Ian Crossley

I think that you really must find out what it is you want in life. It will always be difficult going through life if you keep changing your goals or desires on a daily basis. What you want in the future does not have to be crystal clear straight away, but you should have a format of ideas and things that you would like to aspire to. If you have absolutely no idea of what you eventually want you will just wander around aimlessly forever. The funny thing is that once you focus on something all other things will align to make it happen. The reason you keep getting depressed is that the thing never has a chance to manifest, because you keep changing your mind, and the universe gets confused. Trust me the universe wants you to have ALL you desire, but it cannot get a grip on things if you do not know what you want.
You will learn that day to day life is about planning. The reason you have not got a job is that in your mind you have no idea what you are going to do. It does not matter what your plan is, as long as you have a plan. Having a plan is very relaxing because every decision you make is in the futherance of that idea. That means that when you make decisions you decide easily because you only have to say,"Do they fit in with my plan?"
Sometimes 'you' have to change a plan to make a decision. Do you see the problem here? Things are back to front and will never work out.
Remember the universe gives you more of what you concentrate on. If you have no plan, are depressed and feel sorry for yourself, that is exactly what you will attract.
However in a heartbeat, if you truly concentrate on what you want to do, the universe will immediately set things in motion to get you to your destination. The secret is that you MUST be firm in your desire and keep focusing. Everytime you change your mind the universe has to make adjustments and that will appear as things not happening.
Think of it as planting a seed. We plant it and know that it is growing although for the first few weeks we cannot see it. Eventually it pops through the surface and there is the brand new plant. That happens with out any effort from us because we just accept that is what happens. If we keep digging it up[ changing our mind ]to see if anything is happening, then everytime we dig it up, it stops growing and eventually it will die.
Imagine your plan as planting a seed and just trust that it will happen. The action you need to take on your part is the same as watering and fertilising the plant. How much you fertilise and water your plan, will determine how successful your plan will be. Your plan will still work as long as you really want it to, but without the fertiliser and water it will not be as good as it could be.
My suggestion to you is to sit down and really try and find what you want to do, because at this point you really need some motivation to create some positive energy. Once you have made a plan, any plan, things will immediately change.
Knowledge is the most valuable thing you can get, old age gives you knowlege in abundance. The unfortunate thing is that you cannot give it away. Unless someone asks for advice they are not listening.


Self Motivation - The Truth About Motivational Crap

by Vern How Chan

You Can Learn Self Motivation From Attending *Blah*Blah*Blah Courses!
Well, if the above sentence have triggered you somehow then you've come to the right place. The very same thought have also inspired me to have this report prepared for you. We've already been to countless of self motivation seminars and whatever. Yet something is still not working.
The Emptiness
There is an emptiness that you just do not know exactly what it is. Tell you something. That emptiness is your lack of vision or positiveness. Yes, although this may sound like another self motivation theory it really is not. Understanding what it is you are lacking in your heart and soul is your first step.
Back On Track
You feel tired and out of shape. Your business is not working out the way it should be or your relationships go sour. Your friends achieve more than you. Look, self motivation is not easy because you are relying on yourself! Get back on track by sharing your thoughts with others. They will tell you what they really feel about you.
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side
All said and done. The best self motivation you can do to yourself is to agree that there is always greener grass beyond the hills. Give yourself a chance to dust of your past mistakes and move on. Press on no matter what. Trust that every successful person was once a failure at some point or another. Love life for it is a great gift.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Truth About Failures

by Amit Grewal

Failure is a situation when we are unable to reach our goals. We all fail some where in our life , but this is not " be all and end all". We all know that "failures are the pillars of success".So we should not be afraid of failures.Instead we should move forward learning something from our failures.
We should know how to handle failures because how you handle failure determines your levels of success and happiness in life. Successful business owners and high achievers have failed many more times than those who remain average because they were willing to move through and learn from each failure. With failure comes experience. With experience comes wisdom, character and strength. You must know failure in order to recognize success.
Failure doesn't mean you are a failure,it does mean you haven't succeeded yet.
Failure doesn't mean you have accomplished nothing,it does mean you have learned something.
Failure doesn't mean you have been a fool,it does mean you had a lot of faith.
Failure doesn't mean you have been disgraced,it does mean you were willing to try.
Failure doesn't mean you don't have it,it does mean you have to do something in a different way.
Failure doesn't mean you are inferior,it does mean you are not perfect.
Failure doesn't mean you've wasted your life,it does mean you've a reason to start afresh.
Failure doesn't mean you should give up,it does mean you should try harder.
Failure doesn't mean you'll never make it,it does mean it will take a little longer.
Failure doesn't mean God has abandoned you,it does mean God has a better idea!


The True Secret of Success - Be the Master

by Pushpa Pal Singh

People have often stated that success is like a stair case and you should climb it one step at a time. It's all about realizing the true potential inside you and to harness the abilities that you never thought you possessed. Success is not always about where you have reached rather how many battles and adverse circumstances you have overcome. Read on to find out some of the true secrets to being successful in life.
There is always room- People often hold themselves back thinking that there isn’t space at the top. They feel that there is just too much competition and they would not be able to make it among millions already trying and battling for it. The fact is that if you want more there would be more therefore there is more than enough room at the top for everyone who wants to get there.
It's not talent- Success is not a matter of only talent, there are millions of talented people all across the world who are sitting at home with a rare talent and doing nothing. Therefore action is a very vital force when it comes to achieving success. It is more a matter of concentration and perseverance.
Don't wait for it- Most people sit and wait for success to come to them as if it would simply fall into their lap. Success would never come to you until you make an effort to achieve it. Therefore do not wait for anything go ahead and achieve it.
Desire not fear- People often tend to concentrate on things which they fear and want to stay away from and never on things which they truly desire and are willing to achieve. Therefore the very key to success in life is to transfer your attention from things you do not want to what you truly want to achieve in life. The more you concentrate on things you want the faster it would come to you.
Failure isn’t permanent- You might fail at first but remember one thing just like success failure isn’t permanent either. You should know no matter how many times you fail you still have all the essential ingredients and characteristics for being successful.


The Science of Success

by Craig Harper

Warning: Okay, so this is another high-risk article. Some of you will connect with it and have a moment, some of you will think I'm an opinionated, insensitive pig and some of you will already be on the same page. Proceed with care.
If, like me, you have a propensity to spend inordinate amounts of time navigating your way around some of the squillions of personal development / motivational / inspirational / be-your-very-best-in-next-to-no-time sites, then you've probably found a massive amount of repetition, fluff, feel-good, mumbo-jumbo crap and the occasional valuable article.
I am of the opinion (and yes, I know it's not a popular one) that success isn't as hard, or as complex as some people make it. And before you write to disagree with me, yes, I acknowledge that the above statement is dependent on your definition of success... but I am speaking generally (as I often need to, when speaking to an audience of more than one).
I have spoken with many people who have been on the personal development journey for years..... and they're still in the same place (physically, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, financially and professionally). They've read eight million books, been to thirteen thousand workshops, therapists and specialists, and they're still miserable, unfulfilled, stressed and directionless.
Still complaining, rationalising, justifying, excusing, blaming, procrastinating... and waiting. If they put one tenth of what they've read or heard into practice... things would be drastically different but the truth is, they consistently do nothing.
While I acknowledge (and know from experience) that there are many variables, factors and considerations to negotiate when we set out to create specific outcomes, I also believe that there exists a scientific, practical formula for success if only we can step out of our emotional, psychological and behavioural limitations.
As you may or may not know, I am a scientist by qualification (not a very good one), and in science we usually look at results (collected data) and do our best to discover what produced those observed outcomes. In other words; reasons for things being as they are.
So for the purpose of this chat (okay, it's a one-way chat) let's call success the 'result', and let's explore what the common denominators are; the reasons for things (typically) being as they are. For the sake of pseudo-scientific accuracy and validity, we'll do our best to de-emotionalise the process and take a practical, analytical glimpse at what consistently produces optimal results in the big wide world of Personal Growth.
Who succeeds and why.
We've already established (in previous posts) that we all want to be successful and we've also discovered that success is represented by different things for different people. No brainer; easy. What might be cause for celebration, jubilation and overwhelming joy for one person, may produce a response of panic, stress and unhappiness for someone else; a pregnancy, for example.
In my post, the success myth I discussed the common denominator on the personal growth journey being that we all want to be happy. How we get 'there' will vary greatly depending on our standards, values, beliefs, knowledge, attitude, resources, drive and life-situation. And where, and what, happy is.
When it comes to creating positive change (which is what we're all about - that's why you're reading this) there are (in my opinion) certain non-negotiables. When we stand back and look objectively at a collective of (what would generally be regarded as) successful people,we discover that there are certain traits, qualities and characteristics which are universal across the group; irrespective of their particular area of endeavour.
Of course this is not really a research article (in the strict sense) but it is based on many years of working with, and observing, a range of people, teams, corporations and organisations all trying to achieve a broad range of positive outcomes.
So, this is what 'science' has taught me about successful people.
1. Consistency. They have an ability to finish what they start. When most people throw in the towel, these guys persevere. Whether it's convenient, practical, fun, easy, hard or popular, they get the job done. The number one reason people fail is they don't finish what they start (health club owners are safe in the knowledge that most people will join their centre and rarely show up!).
2. Discomfort. These people have an amazing capacity to deal with discomfort. They are tough. While others are getting precious, they're getting busy and getting their hands dirty. They don't look for quick fixes or magic pills. They 'get' the short-term pain, for long-term gain concept. They have an amazing ability to adapt to ever-changing (dynamic) situations and circumstances. They identify, and develop their own weaknesses and limitations.
3. Talent. Not absolutely necessary but kinda helpful! Many people with less talent have created amazing outcomes and many highly-talented people have been treading water for years. Talent and commitment there's a combination.
4. Passion and Drive. It's pretty easy to pick whether or not someone is genuinely ready to change and do what's needed. Successful people ooze motivation and enthusiasm... their passion is infectious.
5. Creativity and vision. They have an ability to 'see' something before it actually becomes a reality. They are innovators not imitators.
6. People of action. They do stuff. While many are talking, they're doing. As boring and old-fashioned as it sounds, your Grand-dad was right when he said "there ain't no substitute for hard work". In science we would call this a correlation between investment of energy and outcome.
7. Decision Makers. While many people are perpetually considering, analysing and hoping things will 'fall into place', these girls are making decisions... and not those fluffy, inconsequential decisions... but those big-ass, change-your-life-forever decisions. You know the ones.
8. Attitude. These people are always finding reasons to succeed. They deal with problems quickly and effectively. They focus on what they can change, rather than bitch about what they can't. They are realists but they are also glass-half-full people. People want to hang out with them because they have great energy.
9. Practical and Logical. While still being in touch with their emotions, they have the capacity to think clearly and logically in all situations. When others might succumb to their own emotions (fear, insecurity, self-doubt) these people have a capacity to find practical solutions to challenging situations. They set goals, they create action plans and they research. They are well organised and good time-managers.
10. Self Control. While others let the wheels fall off, these guys stay in control. Even when there's a 'reason' to panic, complain, criticise or react negatively, they don't. They are in charge of their internal state, no matter what's going on around them.
Q. You know what's good about articles like this one?
A. Lots of great information and practical ideas.
Q. You know what's bad?
A. Most people won't do anything with it.
What about you?


The School Of Illusion?

by Hal Manogue

"No one lives his life. Disguised since childhood, haphazardly assembled from voices and fears and little pleasure, we come of age as masks. Our true face never speaks. Somewhere there must be storehouses where all these lives are laid away like suits of armor or old carriages or clothing hanging limply on the wall. Maybe all paths lead there to the repository of unlived things."
Ranier Maria Rilke, the turn of the 20th century European poet, knew that the life he experienced was only part of his story. His intuitive knowledge lead him down the path of discovering other parts of himself.
Mystics through the ages have told us that the world we experience daily, is an illusion. It is only a veil that we use to cover our real identity. If you ask anyone who faces the day without eating or working or not paying bills, because they think it is an illusion, I think they would change their opinion in a heartbeat. Those things seem very real when they are happening.
If it is an illusion, then it would be part of a grander illusion, since our scientists are telling us we are holograms, whole parts of another whole. Well, that may be true. But why the illusion? What are we hiding?
AS Rilke pointed out the masks we use and the illusion we create, is done for a reason. I know I am learning something about myself, from this school of whatever. By creating the dualities I experience, the pain and suffering I feel and the death I fear, I am learning that there is another part of me somewhere, waiting for me to graduate.
The beauty of this school is I can learn the way I choose. I can skip lessons, start over, flunk out, and jump forward without reprisal, unless I punish myself. I can graduate at any time and unite with another part of my identity. It is my creation to learn, experience and express who I am. No one else can do it for me. I am the student and the teacher.
As someone once said, "Teachers make all other professions possible." By teaching myself the lessons, I am growing in belief and creativity. Call it what you want, but it is expansion of consciousness and that is my diploma. It is a reunion with my divinity in the grand illusion of reality, that keeps me coming back to learn more.
I believe and experience in my own ways. There is no test, unless I become one. There is only graduation to the next greater version of who I am, love, in All That Is.


The Resolution Revolution

by Craig Harper

So today is Sunday December 31st 2006; the day before we all change our lives forever.
We've told ourselves tomorrow is the day. The new us. Leaner, lighter, happier, more relaxed, wealthier, more balanced.... different. Better. Between Christmas and New Year we ate our own body-weight in food because... that's what we do and anyway..."We're starting tomorrow!"
So it's all okay.
I can justify and rationalise whatever I want; shut up Harper.
My body, my life. Anyway, I deserved it.
We overeat, we drink too much and we stumble towards the end of the Year, safe in the knowledge that January 1 is coming... and it will all be different.
Sure we've made and broken resolutions and promises before.... but this year it's gonna be different.
Lesson 1: If nothing changes, nothing changes.
If you want next year to be the best year of your life, then you need to establish why and how it will be different this time. Keeping in mind that a good or a bad year is not about situations, circumstances, events or other people; it's about you.
Your choices. Your attitude. Your ability to deal with discomfort. Your ability to create new standards and 'rules'. Your ability to persevere when previously you've thrown in the towel. Your ability to keep doing, even when the doing ain't fun or cool or sexy (consistency).
So tomorrow we start losing weight. Getting fit. Giving up the smokes. Cutting back on the alcohol. Swearing less. Fixing relationships. Changing bad habits.
Yep, tomorrow's the day.
So glad it's not today; not emotionally prepared today.
Just heard an interesting stat on the news: this New Year four million Australians will go on a diet. That's about twenty percent of our population.
If we use the same maths on the United States, we end up with sixty million dieters.
Jenny Craig must be rubbing her hands together.
Lesson 2: The truth is, for most people, the only change that January 1 brings is a short term change in behaviour (usually less than a fortnight, often less than a week).
For Personal Development types like me, January 1 is the most interesting day of the year. It's the one universal day where everyone talks about goals, dreams, plans and hopes; in short we all talk about creating a better life (however that is represented for us).
We talk about it, we dream about it. But often we don't (really) plan for it, sweat for it, sacrifice for it, work for it, get uncomfortable for it. We just kind of 'hope' it will happen. Hopefully success will fall on us from a great height.
We don't create it. We don't persevere. We don't finish what we start.
In my job I have watched (literally) thousands of talented, intelligent and capable people spend years going around in circles. Years being frustrated. Years under-achieving. Years making Excuses and years waiting for the right time. Years making and breaking promises and resolutions.
Our biggest challenge in the pursuit of forever change, is not our ability (or lack of it), not opportunities, luck, potential, skills, education (or lack of it) and not our age or gender; it is our ability to consistently do the things we need to do to create our desired results, irrespective of how we're feeling, day in and day out.
Lesson 3: Motivation is temporary.
For most people, motivation is a feeling; an emotional state. "I feel motivated because I just saw this amazing film clip...." If we only do when we feel motivated, we'll never create real (forever) change... because nobody is motivated 24/7.
Success is always less about motivation and more about some very un-sexy things like planning, self-control, discipline, organisation, time-management, decision making and mental toughness. Not sexy, not glamorous, but effective.
I can tell you want you want to hear, or I can tell you the truth.
Lesson 4. We don't need another resolution, we need a revolution.
A revolution in the way we do things. A revolution in the way we approach the next year. A revolution in our head.
I hate the whole concept of January 1 being the day for a new start.
If only we all understood that every day is the day.
A better life ain't about the New Year....
It's about the New You.
