by Duffy Rogan
Let me ask you this question. Your in Network Marketing/MLM same thing different verbiage....
If you don't know why you're doing what you're doing what and where is your motivation?
If you're foolish enough to think that achieving your dreams and goals is not going to come with challenges you're already doomed to fail.
Look you know it and I know it that achieving your goals takes dedication, sacrifice, hard work and persistence.
With all of that a head of you don't you think it's rather important to know why you're going to go through all that?
There's a very simple exercise you can do and I suggest you have your downline do this as well.
Take a piece of paper and write down 25 Why's, reasons if you will of why you're doing what you're doing or going to do.
But there is one catch to doing this exercise. You have to get to the core of your being. What do I mean?
I mean your whys HAVE to be compelling & empowering. Hey, it's great that you may want to have a new SUV, or a big house. So what, everyone wants that. Getting stuff is easy. Nothing wrong with it but easy.
I'll say it again "You need your why's to be powerful, motivating and empowering".
To get to your core ask yourself this question "What is my purpose for being on this planet?
Lets say you have the cars, boats, houses, and money. Now what is your motivation?
I had one of my new team members send me his whys. Eight of his whys where about how he was going to show the people that doubted him and said he would never amount to anything, that he wouldn't be successful. His motivation was showing everyone they were wrong.
That's all well end good, but not empowering or powerful. I said to him. "What if all those people you wanted to prove this too went into a spaceship never to return and you would never hear or see them again?"
Where is your motivation now?
My point is, make sure your whys are powerful and empowering. So once again ask yourself this question:
"What is my purpose for being on this planet?
You're going to need these whys more then you know. And your whys will change as you change.
There're going to be days (and believe me they'll come if they haven't already) where you're not going to be the most motivated person on the planet.
One day someone is going to upset you, or make you second-guess yourself. Something will happen (it always does) and you're going to say to yourself "Why the heck am I doing this, what's the point?"
If you don't know, the temptation of quitting is pretty high. But if you have a list of your whys that temptation will go away.
I have my whys where I can see them everyday. My whys motivate me and empower me everyday and remind me of why I do what I do.
My whys are my self-talk.
What is self-talk? It's what you tell yourself everyday. We all have a running dialogue in our heads. This dialogue can empower you or destroy you.
If you say to yourself "I'm such a loser and will never achieve anything". That's what you'll get. So don't be depressed be happy dance on the roof you're getting what you're asking for.
If you want to be a loser and achieve nothing keep telling yourself that and you'll get it. (lucky you)
If you want to achieve everything that you desire, you need to change your Self-Talk.
Sorry got off track there, back to your whys.
I have every one of my downline teammates write out their 25 whys and have them send them to me. Now I know why they're doing what they're doing, plus they're accountable to themselves and to me.
When I talk to someone in my downline and they're in that "Why am I doing what I'm doing" mood. I can pull out their 25 whys and say.
"Well Nancy you told me the reason you wanted to do this was you wanted to have the means to take care of your ailing parents"
"Nancy you told me that you wanted to have the finances to send your children to the collage of their choice"
Can you see where this can help you and your downline?
That's why I am here for my downline and for others in network marketing. To let them know they are NOT alone. I'll be here for anyone as long as they are in business (mine or not).
You should be doing the same. You have the lives, dreams and goals of your downline in your hands. You have the power to help people reach these goals and dreams or the power to destroy them.
Duffy has been helping Network Marketers build and grow successful businesses for many years now. He is also an expert in generating website traffic, and is a mentor and coach to some of the most success people in Network Marketing today.
Let me ask you this question. Your in Network Marketing/MLM same thing different verbiage....
If you don't know why you're doing what you're doing what and where is your motivation?
If you're foolish enough to think that achieving your dreams and goals is not going to come with challenges you're already doomed to fail.
Look you know it and I know it that achieving your goals takes dedication, sacrifice, hard work and persistence.
With all of that a head of you don't you think it's rather important to know why you're going to go through all that?
There's a very simple exercise you can do and I suggest you have your downline do this as well.
Take a piece of paper and write down 25 Why's, reasons if you will of why you're doing what you're doing or going to do.
But there is one catch to doing this exercise. You have to get to the core of your being. What do I mean?
I mean your whys HAVE to be compelling & empowering. Hey, it's great that you may want to have a new SUV, or a big house. So what, everyone wants that. Getting stuff is easy. Nothing wrong with it but easy.
I'll say it again "You need your why's to be powerful, motivating and empowering".
To get to your core ask yourself this question "What is my purpose for being on this planet?
Lets say you have the cars, boats, houses, and money. Now what is your motivation?
I had one of my new team members send me his whys. Eight of his whys where about how he was going to show the people that doubted him and said he would never amount to anything, that he wouldn't be successful. His motivation was showing everyone they were wrong.
That's all well end good, but not empowering or powerful. I said to him. "What if all those people you wanted to prove this too went into a spaceship never to return and you would never hear or see them again?"
Where is your motivation now?
My point is, make sure your whys are powerful and empowering. So once again ask yourself this question:
"What is my purpose for being on this planet?
You're going to need these whys more then you know. And your whys will change as you change.
There're going to be days (and believe me they'll come if they haven't already) where you're not going to be the most motivated person on the planet.
One day someone is going to upset you, or make you second-guess yourself. Something will happen (it always does) and you're going to say to yourself "Why the heck am I doing this, what's the point?"
If you don't know, the temptation of quitting is pretty high. But if you have a list of your whys that temptation will go away.
I have my whys where I can see them everyday. My whys motivate me and empower me everyday and remind me of why I do what I do.
My whys are my self-talk.
What is self-talk? It's what you tell yourself everyday. We all have a running dialogue in our heads. This dialogue can empower you or destroy you.
If you say to yourself "I'm such a loser and will never achieve anything". That's what you'll get. So don't be depressed be happy dance on the roof you're getting what you're asking for.
If you want to be a loser and achieve nothing keep telling yourself that and you'll get it. (lucky you)
If you want to achieve everything that you desire, you need to change your Self-Talk.
Sorry got off track there, back to your whys.
I have every one of my downline teammates write out their 25 whys and have them send them to me. Now I know why they're doing what they're doing, plus they're accountable to themselves and to me.
When I talk to someone in my downline and they're in that "Why am I doing what I'm doing" mood. I can pull out their 25 whys and say.
"Well Nancy you told me the reason you wanted to do this was you wanted to have the means to take care of your ailing parents"
"Nancy you told me that you wanted to have the finances to send your children to the collage of their choice"
Can you see where this can help you and your downline?
That's why I am here for my downline and for others in network marketing. To let them know they are NOT alone. I'll be here for anyone as long as they are in business (mine or not).
You should be doing the same. You have the lives, dreams and goals of your downline in your hands. You have the power to help people reach these goals and dreams or the power to destroy them.
Duffy has been helping Network Marketers build and grow successful businesses for many years now. He is also an expert in generating website traffic, and is a mentor and coach to some of the most success people in Network Marketing today.
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