Friday, May 2, 2008

Is The World Treating You Fairly?

by Hesbon Nyambane

What can one say about himself/herself about the change they see in themselves, what picture do you see in the world, is the environment fair or harsh ,are the people treating you fairly or they are not appreciative of the contribution your are making, do you see that everybody is against and you have to stand to proof or defend yourself or you feel like taking your life and leave the world for those people, we are very sorry about it and let us see who is responsible for what you are seeing currently, the fact is you create you own world and it is not that it is the world which is unfair for not treating you fairly but you treating the world unfairly.
The change you expect in the world will only be started by giving it to the world and you will find the world treating you fairly, are you giving excuses as to why the world is ufair,the world here is people. You always say am good to the people, but the people are not treating you good, then have you asked yourself, what you expect in return, you might find that in your subconscious mind you are expecting to be treated unfair, since what you expect is what you get applies.

Many were taught to always give and wait to see whether that will come to us but let us be sincere with ourselves deep down in your heart you are selfish in that you expect a different thing than the one you want because that is what you have learnt from those people whom you grew up with, they taught you, don't trust anyone, the world is unfair, you must save money always, without college education you cannot get a job and so on, those are just myths and not realities because is something which people assumed and made a reality, and now what can we do to change our reality so that we can have the change we want to see in the world, in our next discussion we will find out how to do.
Discover miraculous powers in you and start living with a purpose.

Hesbon nyambane spend his time, writing articles which can help us know who we are and if you want to donate something and enjoy the spirit of giving ,write a check or money order payable to
hesbon Nyambane Kerongo
p.o. box 734,40200
Hesbon Nyambane is a leading authority on helping people realize their purpose in life . He is a born again christian based in Nairobi, Kenya.

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