Monday, April 21, 2008

I Could If

by Anna Watkins

Action expresses priorities. (Mohandas Gandhi)
Many of us could have graduate degrees in excuse making. We have developed it to such a fine art that we really should get an honorary doctorate. Now you may be thinking that it would be terrific to have people calling you, "Doctor." However, all that excuse making skill will not cut it in the real world if we want to achieve our dreams and have an enjoyable life.
Let's try another approach. Take your personal example and put it through this exercise. Your current story begins, "I can't because blah blah blah." Here are some examples:
I can't get a new job or promotion because my computer skills are not strong enough.
I need more clients but I don't have the time or money to work on my marketing.
I want to spend more time with my family (friends or hobby), but my work is too demanding.
Is that really true? Do you have so little control over your life that these things are beyond your reach? Ha! If you really really really want to make this happen, you can!
Your NEW story begins, "I could if."
Now start writing and list as many actions as you can think of - no matter how crazy some of them may appear. No judgment - just writing!
I could if I:
Spend 20 minutes a day using the Help function of the computer application I am using
Read the user manual
Take a class
Ask someone with more skills to help me
I could if I:

Attend one more network gathering each month
Follow up with current or former clients to see how they are doing and how I may be of assistance
Give prospective customers something of value - an article, free newsletter, etc.
Listen to my customers to learn how I can add more value for them
I could if I:
Schedule and keep an appointment for time with my spouse, my kids, my golf clubs, bird watching, painting
Look for events we can enjoy and mark them on the calendar or post them on a bulletin board
Buy tickets and commit to attending an activity together
Volunteer, making a commitment to support a cause that we can enjoy together
Your turn!
What ever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now! (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Anna Watkins is a Career Coach with a special interest in group coaching and Master Mind Groups, networks of like minded people who support and help each other stay on track with their life goals. You can learn more about the resources she offers through her website:

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