Wednesday, April 30, 2008

When Life Gets Difficult, Don't Be Afraid To Make Mistakes

by Yeo Teck Wei

"Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult--once we truly understand and accept it--then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters." By M. Scott Peck, author of "The Road Less Traveled"
What's wrong with being wrong?
When people make mistakes, they always seem to be agonizing over it. Why was I so stupid? How could i have overlooked it? Often, such questioning of your own abilities inflicts high damage on your self-confidence and work attitude, thus resulting in even more mistakes made. The cycle of suffering continues. But... it need not be this way. You have the ability to change your life, only if you want to. There is a positive side to making mistakes too.
Why having mistakes is a good sign
Making mistakes prevents you from developing a sense of complacency. When you know from the start you are prone to making mistakes, you will be cautious in whatever you do.
Many people have heard of the great basketball player Michael Jordan. Despite of his fame, this was his response: "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
Because no one is infallible, you will be more sensitive to the needs and the feelings of other people. When you see others making mistakes, you will also be constantly reminded not to do the same.

To err is human. The fact is no matter how careful you act, you will eventually make a mistake somewhere. But it's not the end of the world yet. It's never over until you really believe it's over. Keep trying, and don't give up.
Life is a journey through high and low bumps, so if you stop walking because you encounter a high slope, then you'll never get to feel the breeze from walking down from the top of the high slope.
Making mistakes also allow you to question and identify your values constantly. What really defines you? For the sake of your loved ones, what kind of man do you want to be?
No matter how you evade or escape from it, the problem will always be there. Ok, so you made a mistake - Remember it and move on. If you never accept that there's a problem, you'll never be able to solve it directly. So, your life is difficult. Accept it, and then get over it. Many people failed precisely because they do not admit their faults, and thus never get the chance to improve themselves. Do you want to repeat their path? The choice is yours.
To sum it up with a quote from former Vice-President of the United States Dan Quayle: The question in life is not whether you get knocked down. You will. The question is, are you ready to get back up... And fight for what you believe in?
So... what's wrong with being wrong?

Article by Yeo Teck Wei, who is a freelance writer based in Singapore. If you like me to write a free, customised article for your own use, please email me @, and i'll reply ASAP. Thanks.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

10 Truly Inspirational Quotes - Which Will Motivate You To Greatness

by Garry Winter

I have put together 10 truly inspirational quotes, which I use to motivate myself during the tough times, when I feel down or that things aren't going my way. These quotes help to keep my mind strong and they remind me no matter how tough things become I can find a way to overcome and deal with whatever situation life has thrown at me.
Every man dies. Not every man really lives.
William Wallace (Guardian of Scotland)
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face.
Eleanor Roosevelt
We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.

Albert Einstein
Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
Albert Einstein
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Mark Twain
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
If you're going through hell, keep going.
Winston Churchill
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
Henry Ford
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
Corinthians 16:13
I hope you find some of these quotes inspirational if not find your own quotes that mean something to you. Use them as a guiding light or when you need a kick in the butt to get you going.


Monday, April 28, 2008

The Secrets of Life

by Brian A Hunt

If somebody was to ask your age, you would probably say 62 years unless you were completely anal and said 62 years, 2 months, 10 days, 3 hours, 4 minutes, and 12 seconds.
My question to you is "What is it that is 62 years old?" because your body is comprised of atoms that were created in the big bang some 20 billion years ago. The laws of physics state quite categorically that no matter can be created or destroyed, only changed. This means that the material that comprises your body is actually some 20-billion years old!
On the other hand, when you look in the mirror and see your magnificent self the body you see today is not the body that was here last year this time. Once again those imbecilic scientists tell us that 99.9% of our body cells are replenished each year. Therefore, each year when you admire yourself in the mirror on your birthday you are looking at somebody that wasn't here last year.
So, back to my question, "What is it that is 62 years old?"
The scientists are like a dog with a bone, and not leaving it at telling us we are 20-billion years old in one breath and less than a year old in the next breath, they also tell us that our DNA does far more than store the template that creates your body exactly as intended. They freely admit that they understand less than 1% of exactly what DNA does hold, but this does not stop them from theorizing and postulating further thoughts. Thoughts we ordinary mortals take as facts, because of their impeccable source.
The next pearl of wisdom they dispensed is that all our thoughts, actions, and experience gained from the moment of conception to this moment, are not stored in our brains at all. They are actually stored in the DNA of each and every cell of our body!
This last piece of information is wonderful, because it explains how the lunatic in Ward 6 of your local mental institution who thinks he's Napoleon probably has part of his DNA intermingled with his own, and is as sane as you or I. Furthermore, I'm afraid that Shirley McLaine has not lived many different lives, but she simply has considerable DNA from her ancestors; together with a vivid imagination.

So there we have it, everything that is you is stored in your DNA and passed on to future generations each time you help create a baby. Sadly, no sooner is your body declared dead than your relatives will rush to bury or burn it-destroying your DNA for ever-before they hasten to your wake in order to read your will in great hope, get highly merry on your booze, and lie to each other about what a wonderful person you were.
Far better if they could each store some of your DNA until such times as our scientists unlock the 99% that still defeats them and enable the world to share your every thought and experience.
But I digress. Let us return to that mirror you look-in each day. The reason you appear like you do, my friend, is because since birth you have been unconsciously moulding your body on what you see around you. At school, you probably looked up to some athletic senior student and wished your pre-pubertal body could look like that. You were probably also influenced by your parents and close relatives, which is why people today may remark how much you look like one or other of them.
Have you ever seen a couple who have been married for decades and have steadily grown to resemble each other? There are even instances of people who have grown to resemble a dog they have lovingly petted and groomed each day for many years. You see, what you look at in the mirror each day is what you have been creating steadily and remorselessly each and every day. Whether it has been influenced by others in childhood-a most important time in our bodily development-or later in life, you have become the person you see each and every day. That's confusing, so let me try and explain.
When you look in the mirror at yourself, what you see and think create you. If you have other people that you see constantly at home or work, you may find part of them in what you see in the mirror.
You don't have to look that way at all.
You can fat, thin, tall, small, handsome, or even beautiful. It is really and totally up to you. Amazingly, without an operation, without exercise, and with very little energy you can still become the person you would really like to be!
The scientists tell us that everything can be changed. The DNA in each of your billions and trillions of body cells has been instructed to create you by two things:
1. The original DNA template you were born with, and
2. The changes in the DNA from your life experiences.
This simply means that you are what you think about. The scientists have more or less proven, in their inimitable way, that you can change how you look simply by thinking and believing you can. Your current thoughts are stored in your DNA and will eventually change your DNA, which in turn changes your body. Simple, isn't it.
Let me put it even more simply.
If you find a photograph of yourself, which is how you would like to look once again, have it enlarged and copied many times. Cover every mirror in your home with the image of the person you are going to become; cover the ceiling in your bedroom and the walls around the house.
Finally, believe that you are gradually changing into this young, virile, athletic person. If you believe, truly believe and have faith, you will change-and you will change far quicker than you might expect.
I look forward to meeting with you on your impending visit, but do not be alarmed if you are accosted by a handsome 25-year old man who shakes you by the hand and declares to be me-I am making fine progress with my transition. On the other hand, if you see a kiddie in diapers wondering around asking for you, please take care of him because it means I've overdone it-as usual!
There's more at:

Brian Hunt


Friday, April 25, 2008

Living According to Your Values, Valuing Your Life Accordingly

by Marc De Bruin

"Personal leadership is the process of keeping your vision and values before you and aligning your life to be congruent with them -Stephen Covey.
Have you seen the movie "the Secret"? Many people rave about it, and partly for very good reasons., look at current results you have created in your life or business, both positive and negative. Realise in all honesty that you have created these results by your values hierarchy. And if you think some of the results were outside your sphere of influence, then realise in all honesty that you have created the response to these results through your values hierarchy!: have a close look at how you would like your results to be. If some of your current achievements aren't the way you want them, ask yourself: what DO I want?: what values would you need to have in that specific area to start creating the results you desire? More business nous? More family time? Looking after your health a bit more? Improving communication skills? Find the values and put them into a hierarchy.: start living according to your new values more than you do to your old ones. What will you do differently? What actions are more in line with your new hierarchy?
It's a great movie if you want to get some insights into how our brains actually operate on a -let's call it- creation level. It is sometimes said that "it's all in our minds", and I believe that to be true. Reality = Perception of Reality, and perception makes reality subjective, makes it our creation. The Secret teaches us that we, within our own perceived reality, are able to create whatever it is we want, as long as we put attention, energy and focus on our desires.
The speakers in the Secret are right. Over the years, I have been teaching my clients similar fool- and fail-proof techniques on how to do it: create a life and/or a business which is their conscious choice. The techniques are easy and simple, just as life is easy and simple (trust me: the more you work with this "stuff", the more you realise that life really is easy and simple. It's us that make it seem complicated...)
The Secret forgets to mention one thing, though: the fact that you are already perfectly and exactly creating the life and business you want. Right now!
But hang on a minute, you may say: there things that are absolutely not working in my life at the moment! How come you say I am creating "perfectly"? There's nothing perfect about it!

Well, here is a statement for you to chew on: as far as value system is concerned, you ARE leading a life and/or running a business in perfect creation. You may not like all the results, though.
Confused already? Alright, here's a brief explanation.
We live our lives by our values. Our values are the things that are most important to us in our lives, certain experiences we choose over others. To give you an example: if you really value your family life, you may choose family over career. Or if you value health more than you do finances, you may spend more money on health related items than you will on saving for later.
Makes sense, doesn't it?
Realise that no value system is better than another. They are just different.
Once I know what a person's values are, I can virtually predict what that person is going to do in any given situation: s/he will decide according the hierarchy in his/her value system. Unless a very conscious decision is made to do things differently this time.
For example, again: if a person with business values in his top 5 has to choose between spending $500 on advertising or on buying new curtains or carpet for in his house, the choice is relatively easy! So too for his wife (who doesn't have business high in her values list!
In relation to our value system, we are perfect creators. If we value our comfort zone more than we do getting OUT of it, we will do just that: stay in our comfort zone! Nothing wrong with that, but the results may not always be the ones we want!
There is a simple solution -and The Secret does not talk about that! Change your values hierarchy, and start living accordingly. Again, we often do that without thinking about it! A person with drinking, eating and partying high in the values hierarchy will promptly change his life when he is confronted with a severe, drinking related illness! And when we seriously had enough of some aspects in our life, we can suddenly change everything around to reflect a new values hierarchy.
There is a science to changing your values, and that science is absolutely teachable and learnable. Heck, it was the same science that assisted me to let go of my life as a lawyer, and start all over as a coach in a different country!
Your personality type plays a big part in assessing your current values and changing them, if that is what you desire. Dreamtime Personalities is a great tool to use in that respect! If you would like to make a start, look at this Landmarc.
Set a Landmarc:
Firstly, look at current results you have created in your life or business, both positive and negative. Realise in all honesty that you have created these results by your values hierarchy. And if you think some of the results were outside your sphere of influence, then realise in all honesty that you have created the response to these results through your values hierarchy!
Secondly, have a close look at how you would like your results to be. If some of your current achievements aren't the way you want them, ask yourself: what DO I want?
Thirdly, what values would you need to have in that specific area to start creating the results you desire? More business nous? More family time? Looking after your health a bit more?Improving communication skills? Find the values and put them into a hierarchy.
Lastly, start living according to your new values more than you do to your old ones. What will you do differently? What actions are more in line with your new hierarchy?
You may say: it sounds easier than it is! But I assure you: it is as easy as it sounds, perhaps even easier! It's the putting it into practice that may be the challenge, but that is also something I can help you with!
Start living according to your values. You will be valued accordingly!

Marc is a certified life/business coach, master NLP Practitioner and Body Stress Release Practitioner on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.
He is among Australia's Law of Attraction (LOA) experts, and coaches/mentors internationally with the LOA principles. Marc inspires his clients to find out what has been hindering them all along in achieving what they want, and to then make the conscious choice to take their lives and/or careers to the next level.
Having been a lawyer for nearly 6 years in his "previous life", before immigrating to Australia from The Netherlands, Marc knows exactly how daunting taking the first step in a new direction can be. On the other hand, he also knows how fulfilling taking that step is, and has the knack of imparting his knowledge and wisdom in a stunningly simple and highly effective way.
Visit, or email him at to arrange a complimentary face-to-face or phone mentoring session!


Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Myths About Willpower

by Jan Malloch

How many times have you or others resolved to live more healthy lives only to fail due to lack of willpower? Whether it is losing weight, or stopping smoking, a re-occurring excuse of why people abandon these attempts is because they lack willpower.
The person did not fail - the blame lies squarely on something called willpower. Some people have a lot of it, while others have very little. That is why some succeed while others fail.
Hold on a minute!! Is this really true? Do you really need a ton of willpower to lose weight?
No. You do not.

If you were on a desert island with only coconuts and bananas to eat, would you lose weight? Of course you would. Imagine having no McDonalds round the corner, and no temptations to destroy your good intentions! And guess what? No willpower to lose weight would be required.
In the real world, the successful dieters are those who do not rely on their own willpower to determine whether they succeed or fail. To succeed, you need to believe that willpower does not exist. Forget all about willpower. Remember that the secret of success is to believe in your own abilities.
You will succeed because you know that you can do it.
Tell the world (and his dog) that you are living a more healthy life. Avoid situations where you might be tempted to deviate from your good intentions.
If you find that these cannot be avoided, then stay focused on your goal. Go over the benefits in your head of what you will gain by losing weight. Keep telling yourself that you can do it.
Do not let an inanimate object like a hamburger dictate whether you live healthily or not.

Jan is a life coach and motivational speaker. Her purpose in life is to help and encourage people to "Make Positive Changes Now!".
Please visit Jan's website at


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Are All Motives Equal When It Comes To Motivation?

by Anth Quinn

Motivation requires motive, is a nice catchy little phrase, but are all motives equal?
Did you know that motives for change come in two broad categories, moving towards something you want, or away from something you don't?
If you are someone who naturally is naturally goal orientated, then chances are that you have a clear idea of what you want and find setting clear goals and achieving them comes pretty easy to you.
If you are someone who has gotten used to moving away from what you don't want, then chances are that you could easily tell me what you don't want, or what you want to stop doing. But if I ask you what you want, you'll struggle to answer.
"Away from" motivation is very powerful but makes a poor long term motivation strategy for a number of reasons.
How many of these have you experienced?
1. Away from motivation is directionless, if you hate where you are then jumping in any direction might be preferable - 'out of the frying pan and into the fire' could apply perfectly here.
2. Away from motivation is cyclical, meaning that while you're in pain you will be very motivated to move, but once you move away and the pain begins to subside, your motivation will decrease too. A typical example could be losing weight, if you feel fat you may in so much 'pain' that you can stick to that diet. But as your weight drops your motivation drops too and pretty soon 'one cake' won't hurt will it? And the weight starts to creep back etc.
3. Away from motivation can move you towards what you don't want! You will tend to move towards what you think about, so setting an away from goal means you have to think about what you don't want, in order to avoid it. This means that you will be unconsciously focusing on and moving towards what you don't want! Bad move!
4. Away from motivation feels bad! I don't know about you, but personally I prefer to feel good most of the time.
All of the above is true but away from motivation is a very powerful force in driving human behaviour, most people will act much sooner to avoid pain, than they will to get something they want. My guess is it is so powerful because for most of human history it kept us out of the fang filled mouths of predators!

People who know me will understand why I prefer to make change easy; this means I'm all in favour of using your natural habits to initiate change, and if you've been used to away from motivation it can create a great short term strategy for getting you to take action.
So how can away from motivation be used?
Well if you are struggling to make some change then you could harness the power of the negative emotions you are experiencing.
Gets some leverage on yourself, just what is not taking this action, breaking this old habit, or avoiding those conversations costing you, and what will it cost you in future?
While frustration, anger, disgust etc. are not great emotions to experience, if you are experiencing them you can use them to fuel you into taking action!!
Maybe it's time stop wallowing in your emotions and use them to your advantage?
When you have got the cost out in the open and have decided that you are not going to pay it anymore!!
List out 20 actions you could take to begin to change this, if you can't think of 20 get a friend to help! Remember change is much easier with the support of other people. Keep going until you get 20! Then pick the top 3 and do them!!
If you want an even bigger kick in the pants, set up some cost for what would happen if you don't take the action! And get someone to hold you accountable.
Once you're moving and begin to see progress you can begin to set some towards goals and you'll be on your way!
Final thoughts for today on 'away from' motivation
1. Recognize that it is best used as a short term tool to get you to take action, once you are taking action and moving forwards it's best to begin to aim for some clear goals. Once you are moving these goals will give you something to focus on and keep you moving forwards. I like to think of this like a plane taking off an aircraft carrier. The catapult and engine gives the plane a tremendous push to get it in the air, but without wings it will crash into the sea. But combining the catapult, engine and wings (goals) the plane soars!!
2. If you find it difficult to describe and set goals to move towards, begin by writing down everything you don't want and then for each write what I would prefer is... Working at this exercise will allow you to gently transfer your attention as you begin to focus on what you do want.
That's my view on this, what do you think?
All the best,

Anth Quinn has been described as the best-kept secret in Personal Development; he is a straight talking champion of everyday people and despite developing a loyal following of over 10,000 readers he managed to avoid publicity.
He says that he finally stepped up to right what he saw as fundamental flaws in much of the personal development industries and he became determined to do something about this.
Despite a massive amount of good information out in the market place Anth says that most people never make long lasting positive changes in their life. Why is this? Well, he says almost every personal development guru is missing a fundamental piece of the puzzle, and it's not what you think!!
You can check out his blog at and his free "daily action tips" at


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Is Your Own Personal "Comfort Zone" Holding You Back?

by Jack Deal

Recently a start-up social marketing Silicon Valley executive was quoted as saying "If you are comfortable when you launch your site you waited too late."
In other words, if one felt comfortable then this secure, comfortable feeling was an indication that one had fallen behind the innovation curve, a detriment to success. The implication was that innovation is inherently a tenuous and uncertain thing and that making it into a 'comfort' thing is very bad strategy.
Theodore Roosevelt called the comfort zone the "the Gray Twilight" and those that dwelt there "poor spirits". They neither enjoyed much nor suffered much and in fact in his opinion they didn't really live very much either.
If we look back to the origins of social psychology and evolutionary psychology we quickly learn that never were our ancestors in a so-called comfort zone. Life was tough and a daily struggle for survival. That doesn't mean there was never time to relax and enjoy...just not much time.
The most recent human evolution theories speculate that human gene mutations occurred 50,000 and a million years ago. These mutations were important because they increased the size of the brain and cranial capacity.
The 'purpose' of these mutations was to give our human team the survival edge; being able to think has distinct evolutionary advantages.
The ability to think gave both the individual and the tribe the edge. When things got difficult the thinking brain could figure out ways to find a solution.
Our noble cousins the apes and chimpanzees could not do that or at least do it on our level. That's why our monkey-looking ancestors are called hominid and those "other animals" are called apes.
The net result is one species is in the zoo and the other on the outside looking in.
The hard truth is we are not wired for comfort. We are wired for challenge and contrast. Maybe feeling "comfortable in one's own skin" is not how we are wired. Can our very own self-certainty be holding us back?

Are we mistaking self-confidence for a free and inquiring mind? Is a free and inquiring mind, arguably our evolutionary advantage, inherently uncomfortable?
Can routine achievement and success leave one in a comfort zone that dampens both potential and true innovation? Are free, inquiring and open minds threatened by social norms and conformity? Do the comfort zones of achievement and success actually prevent further achievement and success?
Does the establishment of our comfort zone make us averse to any risk that threatens our hard earned comfort zone? Is that the real reason so many of us are resistant to fundamental change?
The concept can be expanded from individuals to tribes, communities and societies.
Do societies eventually become self-certain and comfortable bringing about their decline? Do societies get tired or just lazy?
Is the concept of "resting on our laurels" simply another way of saying the comfort zone has been reached and "that's all folks?"
Certainly Silicon Valley has proven that those living within their own comfort zones create very little and cannot compete successfully with those that do. Without the driving edge of curiosity and an inherent disdain for the status quo comfort zone little innovation takes place.
What if Michelangelo or Thomas Edison had stayed in their respective comfort zones?
Interestingly a few realize this psychological nightmare and artificially construct challenges that will get them out of their comfort zone; the implication being that if they are comfortable and do nothing they will accomplish little.
On the lower end, motivation for change occurs when one slips from the comfort zone to areas of pain, anxiety and frustration. No motivation or change occurs until the pain threshold is passed and unfortunately the human capacity for absorbing anxiety and frustration is very high.
Then there are others that feed on challenge, exploration and the thrill of the new. The biggest risk they view in their lives is settling into their comfort zone 'black hole' and never being able to get out. When they start feeling comfortable they know something is wrong. Terribly wrong.
After a while those in their long term comfort zones have little say, learn little new and may in fact be the victims of negative brain plasticity. Anecdotally we can see this in our everyday lives; those that camp out in their comfort zones have little thinking capacity, few ideas and not much of interest to say.
This leads us to the distressing conclusion there is no cure for stupid. Potential is only realized when the individual moves out of their comfort zone.
In the end, each of us determines if there is anything good to say about being in one's own "comfort zone". But the evidence clearly points to "comfort" as an obstacle to success.

Jack Deal is the owner of JD Deal Promotional Marketing, Santa Cruz and Monterey, CA. Related articles may be found at and


Monday, April 21, 2008

I Could If

by Anna Watkins

Action expresses priorities. (Mohandas Gandhi)
Many of us could have graduate degrees in excuse making. We have developed it to such a fine art that we really should get an honorary doctorate. Now you may be thinking that it would be terrific to have people calling you, "Doctor." However, all that excuse making skill will not cut it in the real world if we want to achieve our dreams and have an enjoyable life.
Let's try another approach. Take your personal example and put it through this exercise. Your current story begins, "I can't because blah blah blah." Here are some examples:
I can't get a new job or promotion because my computer skills are not strong enough.
I need more clients but I don't have the time or money to work on my marketing.
I want to spend more time with my family (friends or hobby), but my work is too demanding.
Is that really true? Do you have so little control over your life that these things are beyond your reach? Ha! If you really really really want to make this happen, you can!
Your NEW story begins, "I could if."
Now start writing and list as many actions as you can think of - no matter how crazy some of them may appear. No judgment - just writing!
I could if I:
Spend 20 minutes a day using the Help function of the computer application I am using
Read the user manual
Take a class
Ask someone with more skills to help me
I could if I:

Attend one more network gathering each month
Follow up with current or former clients to see how they are doing and how I may be of assistance
Give prospective customers something of value - an article, free newsletter, etc.
Listen to my customers to learn how I can add more value for them
I could if I:
Schedule and keep an appointment for time with my spouse, my kids, my golf clubs, bird watching, painting
Look for events we can enjoy and mark them on the calendar or post them on a bulletin board
Buy tickets and commit to attending an activity together
Volunteer, making a commitment to support a cause that we can enjoy together
Your turn!
What ever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now! (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Anna Watkins is a Career Coach with a special interest in group coaching and Master Mind Groups, networks of like minded people who support and help each other stay on track with their life goals. You can learn more about the resources she offers through her website:


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Illusions And Fantasies

by Jesse Wade

It would be a fairly safe bet that all of us have had an illusion or two, and a lot of fantasies in our lives --- I sure have!
In my yesterdays, when I was merely a developing dude, I fantasized that I was superman, and was bound and determined to disentangle, fix, interpret, unlock, and unravel all of the "bad guys." --- and then enrapture them with the awareness, intelligence, philosophy, and principles they needed to become "good guys."
Of course, through the forwarding years, I slowly became aware that my fantasy was not to was an illusion, the daydream of a child.
As my personal essence converted from a piddling bag of organic DNA to an adult dude, the fantasies slowly faded into oblivion...and there I was, gazing in the mirror at this creature, who had finally migrated into maturity.
My fantasies and illusions were gone, driven into the land of never-more...where they incarnated themselves, avoiding me like a plague.
Naturally, my mature and adult world became extremely complicated, causing untold stress on my mind, my body, and on my very essence itself. Through that ever-loving time, stress had embedded it's gripping and scrapping hooks into me. I plodded on!
Inescapably, it happened! At the young age of 62, I had a heart attack and open-heart surgery. As my aged eyes gazed into the mirror once more, the image of the piddling bag of DNA had been replaced with "something" devoid of a smile, no imagination, and depressed...for I realized that my dreams were also in the land of never-more.

Whatever it was inside me, would not give me the power to pass on. It had to be that wee flicker of light that rises with the morning dew, that love of life that gave birth to illusions and fantasies.
Today, it is a roaring inferno that cannot die...for what I didn't realize in my developing days,, was that my fantasies and illusions were not only expanding my mind, and germinating my imagination, but were also expending the pent-up energies of aggression, and frustrations...they were, and still are, part of that immortal phantom within all of us, that we refer to as our soul, that gives us the unending strength, as the song goes, to march into hell for a heavenly cause --- all you have to do is find a nice quiet haven, and listen to your heart.

© Jesse Marshall Wade is the author of 3 books, over 200 articles, and the "Free Huge Shopping & Discovery Directory"


Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Layoff Blues

by Paul Hines

Hello, my name is Paul Hines and I just got laid off last week and this feeling of fear almost overtook me until I realized that I had at least three online endeavors that I put on the back burner that I needed to put back on the front burner. I won't name them here because this article is about overcoming the fear of not having a job and pulling yourself up and getting started on something positive and rewarding.
Its times like these that you find out what you're truly made of, will you stick it out or will you fold is the question you ask yourself daily, at least I do. One things for sure, wallowing in self pity and fear will only paralyze you and have you go into a depression that you may not recover from. I refuse to give in to this unrealistic feeling of dread, Is it a serious situation? You bet it is, will I give up and throw my hands up in disgust? God no.

What I will do is get off my butt and begin to get serious about my Marketing, Advertising and Networking skills, what I will do is concentrate on my success in these marketing businesses I have, I'll knock the dust off of these businesses and work them like I'm on a mission, why? I have no choice, my back is up against the wall, I have to produce. I've made some You Tube videos, joined forums in my niche, this is my first article which I hope will be accepted, joined groups and a lot more.
The main focus here is to remain busy and productive, make sure your time is managed throughout your day, don't waste it, make every minute count for something, clean up your house or Apt. do some shopping, rent a movie, call a few friends, tighten up your resume' apply for Unemployment, talk to people every chance you get, stay busy and don't allow your mind to take you on a fantastic voyage into the depths of depression, been there, done that. There were times that I couldn't even get out of bed in the morning and neither was I motivated to.
This is a battle that only you can fight through, its not over, Its just beginning, I see a light at the end of this tunnel.

This resource comes from LIFE


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Being Professional - No Matter What Your Career Entails, Are You Are a Professional?

by Chris King

"I began wearing hats as a young lawyer because it helped me to establish my professional identity. Before that, whenever I was at a meeting, someone would ask me to get coffee." - Bella Abzug, American lawyer
"A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn't feel like it." - Alistair Cooke, American journalist
I chose this article's theme, "professional," because in the past few weeks I have observed both extremes. A good number of people look and act professional, but then there are those who have a cloud of un-professionalism engulfing them.
We may feel that what a person wears, how he or she speaks and also carries him or herself indicates their level of professionalism. One of the words my newest business venture makes use of to establish a high level is "posture." Someone who has posture doesn't become ruffled easily. Posture carries with it a healthy dose of self confidence.
Professionals are not boastful and/or arrogant. They possess a quiet clarity and sense of purpose. My opinion is that it doesn't matter what our vocation is. It matters how professionally we fulfill our duties and tasks.
What have the experts stated?
· "The professional must learn to be moved and touched emotionally, yet at the same time stand back objectively: I've seen a lot of damage done by tea and sympathy." - Anthony Storr, English author

· "My professional life has been a constant record of disillusion, and many things that seem wonderful to most men are the every-day commonplaces of my business." - Harry Houdini, Hungarian entertainer
· "I rate enthusiasm even above professional skill." - Edward Appleton, English scientist
· "Professional reviewers read so many bad books in the course of duty that they get an unhealthy craving for arresting phrases." - Evelyn Waugh, English author
· "Most professional players are their own biggest critics. Some of the things you read in the papers that strike you as bang out of order will already have been thought by the players themselves." - Rio Ferdinand
Now, a few more that are quite specific:
· "I took a professional gamble leaving Hollywood, knowing I would be out of the loop. I'm not part of the movie world in-crowd right now." - Chevy Chase, American comedian
· "I've made a wonderful living playing that theatrical character - the professional brassy dame." - Ethel Merman, American musician
· "By the time I was 22, I was a professional. A young and flawed professional, but not an amateur." - Stephen Sondheim, American composer
· "So I had to be careful. I recognized the responsibility that, whether I liked it or not, I had to accept whatever the obligation was. That was to behave in a manner, to carry myself in such a professional way, as if there ever is a reflection, it's a positive one." - Sidney Poitier, American actor
How do you rate on the professionalism scale? As you know by now, I feel that the importance of being a professional in all we do and say is super important.
"The main professional responsibility of a person in business is business." - Lee R. Raymond, American businessman
"When it comes to professionalism, it makes sense to talk about being professional in IT. Standards are vital so that IT professionals can provide systems that last." - Tim Berners-Lee, English inventor
The two previous quotations hold particular messages for me! Let me hear from you. I love to have your reactions.

Chris King is an entrepreneur, professional speaker, storyteller, writer, website creator / designer, free agent, and fitness instructor. Sign up for her eclectic E-newsletter, Portfolio Potpourri, at You will find her information-packed E-book How to Leave Your Audiences Begging for MORE! at and her business website at


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Have You Been Thinking About Your Summer Break?

by Mariel Perry

Have you been thinking a lot about your summer break? I know it's a few months away, but it will sneak up on you like an alley cat. You know it's right around the corner.
Do you know what I did for Christmas breaks and summer breaks while I was a teen? At that time I loved loved loved to sew and I made hair accessories and sold them to people. I sold them at bazaars and flea markets and around my church. I also made gel candles. Now that was fun!

They smelled so good and I would sell boxes of them. What I'm doing is giving you some of my own personal ideas that made me lots of moolah. Something else I did was made greeting cards from my computer. I came up with the words, made the designs and painted watercolor in the background so the cards looked a little like tie-dye.
When you work hard at something and not give up that's called being diligent. The people who make it in life are people who press beyond the moments of chaos or discouragement. If my stitches were all wrong in my hats or if the gel in the candles didn't come out the exact color I wanted, it wasn't time for me to throw in the towel. I had to try it again OR I had to improvise with what I ended up with.
You know, new creations can come out of accidents and mistakes! People would say' "Oh, that's so creative" and I would think, "it was an accident that became a masterpiece." Get you a summer plan of attack. How much money do you want to make by the end of your break?
How many pictures would you have to sell, how many yards would you have to mow, or how many cookies would you have to bake to get you there? Now practice the fine art of diligence - not giving up and working hard to reach your goal.
What are YOU planning to do?


Monday, April 14, 2008

Another 5 Steps to Have a Fantasic Day

by Christopher Walker

Step 1. Stand up
Your spine is your age line. A bad spine will make you feel old even if you are young. Slouched posture, weak abdomen, slumped shoulders, short neck, head bent forward are antidotes to having a great day.
You can see how a person feels from 100 meters just by their posture. And you can feel fantastic at the worst circumstance with a good posture. There are many tools for posture correction. And these are definitely not at the gym.
Palates, some yoga, Alexander technique, Qigong, and Tai chi are postural techniques. Lifting the inner core, holding the body well. It's amazing to see people in countries where carrying heavy loads on their shoulders in normal.
Those who are forced to do it develop slumped arched backs. Those who volunteer have beautiful straight backs. You can easily tell when a person is carrying a burden that they don't want.
And in the west, these burdens are mostly emotional. But the affect is identical. So straighten up your spine. Sit on a chair without a back rest, or one of those ball things, sit on a wooden crate it doesn't matter what, just get the habit of a straight back.
Step 2. Include Challenge
My friend often calls and tells me how hard the day has been. When I ask why, he says "so much challenge"
Did you know that there cannot be a challenge without a support. So, when we speak of a "challenging day" that very same day has "supporting day" built in. However, we go where the loudest noise takes us sometimes. So, we can easily focus on the challenge and forget the rest.
When my friend rings up and says "I had a great day" I always ask "so where was the challenge?" He gets totally annoyed at me, but it's true.
Wanting a day without challenge is like wanting a relationship without questions, or an apple without a pip, or a child without a complaint. It's just the way it is meant to be and if we go into these situations wishing for a "gee don't challenge me" attitude, then we're going to be so disconnected. So unapproachable.
But more than that, we're going to be disappointed. Because if we want the day to be challenge free, we can't have a fantastic day. Try enjoying the challenges. It's all part of the process.
Step 3. Be Certain
If there is a myth that has been sold to millions of people it is the myth of certainty of an outcome.

It's an easy myth to sell. All you need to do is achieve and outcome and then say, you knew it was going to happen right from the start.
I've consulted to 5-6,000 people, spoken to a million, and been a part of things that involve billions. Of those people, about 20 are really where they dreamed they could be. Most are somewhere good, but this was not the childhood dream of "I knew I'd make the top10 one day"
Of the thousand or so athletes who make the Olympic games and the few who win gold medals millions and millions of people failed. So many were trying to get to the Olympics and win that medal. But just a few get through.
Is it because of some "certainty" in the mind of that winner? Is it some confidence or commitment they had? Do you really think, in all honesty that the gold medal winner was the only one with absolute certainty that they would win?
Lets not do this any more. You can control the quality of your process and remain a happy person having a fantastic day. You can hold a dream in your mind and focus on all the right ingredients to win. You can practice, train, practice, train, and rehearse, and learn but, if the energy is not your turn, you might have to settle for less.
So, there is no certainty. There is only your heart, your actions and your integrity and if all these three are lined up, then the probability of success just increased. But there is no certainty, just a commitment to try.
Step 4. NO excuses
Last week I had a kidney chill. I was out in my kayak and the weather just turned and I got so cold. The next day I felt like crap. I certainly was in no mood to work. So, I got a DVD set, a warm blanket, hot tea, turned off my mobile and shut the world out. I had a fantastic day even though I felt like crap.
There's no excuse. Even someone dying is no excuse - but this requires huge spiritual awareness - so there is an excuse! "I am not spiritually awake"
Everyday is a new day. So the sun comes up and we have a thousand justifications not to have a fantastic day. If I sit with some people I think they could win the gold medal in the Olympic excuses competition.
But that's not what they want. Neither do you. Zero tolerance means that there's always a bright side, always a gift, always something to be thankful for and there's always an opportunity to lift your spirits even when things are bad.
I saw this once in an amazing way. My Dad was so proud to teach me things. He wanted me to know how to chop wood, clear a forest, make a house, dig a trench and concrete over the top of the garden to make it neat. So, I'd spend many compulsory hours being his Go-fa (go for this and go for that) -
Dad wanted me to enjoy work. He'd joke and laugh and tease me. The whole thing was that he entertained me, to keep my spirits up amongst the hard work. Anyway, Dad chopped the end of his finger off, sliced right through it. He smiled, wrapped a bandage and made a joke, then back to fun and enjoying the day. I fainted.
Anyway, the point was, he wouldn't even let a smashed finger which needed many stitches, spoil the moment.
Really, its got to be enjoyable. There's only one pass at this one life. Every day is so precious yet, people waste the days with excuses. Oh, it's too hot. Oh it's too cold. My goodness.
I think this was the whole message of Monty Python. Learn to laugh at it. That great song "always look on the bright side of life" with Brain hanging from a cross. Or the skit about "luxury" - "when we got home, our Dad would chop us into bits, make us work 25 hours a day, sleep in a shoe box in the middle of the road, and the kids today, they just won't believe you. Ah, yes, we had it tough. Luxury"
Step 5. Love it
Just for arguments sake lets paint the world out so you can't see it anymore. There's nothing there. You are sitting here, reading this long article, you are alone. Now, there's about 6 trillion stars in the milky way. Our Sun is one of them. And our planet goes around our Sun, just like all the other Suns have planets too.
There are 50 billion galaxies like the milky way. So, if you do the math, your calculator will be unable to display the numbers, it isn't built to think that big.
Now the world is still painted out. But you know it is out there. You know there are trees and birds and cars and red wine out there. So, you know. You know. You can see or know there are stars and cars and things.
This is the most important thing. To stay in awe of the magnificence of the universe and how bloody lucky we are to even know that there's sugar in our tea and taste it, let alone become conscious of the vast magnificence of it. We become a little self obsessed.
To have a really, really fantastic day, one of the greatest gifts is simply to be excited about the fact that you're alive. Dad used to say, "I look up the obituaries in the paper, if I'm not in it, it's a great day"
We each need to remain so excited about life. Just like a child at Christmas or Passover or whatever your faiths special day. Everyday is Christmas, everyday is your birthday, the birth of a new day. That's where great, fantastic, unbelievable days begin.
In your home, surround yourself with things from another world. Not this one. Pictures of a universe, like my screen saver from Apple. Amazing awe-inspiring ideas and things that make you like a child. Just so ready to have a fantastic day. Like a child learn to bounce off the walls and mend the hits. Make no excuses and be like a child, smile, want life, want it to be fun. In this, you will know yourself and your heart will be open to life. Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chris's work and journeys to Nepal, visit --


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Work, Work, Work Equals Success

by Richard David

Hard work is still the way to be a success in real estate. Hard work is still the way to make money and be a success. Yes, some people in life are born into money or inherit money or other ways to acquire wealth but for most of us, its still only hard work and dedication that usually will equal success.
Everyday more and more people are becoming more and more concerned about their financial futures. With the state of today's retirement options from employers (which are almost non-existent) most people realize that each of us are responsible for our own financial future.
I was reminded of this as I was watching the 'Flip This House' show recently and saw how Armando Montelongo is still having good success in the real estate market even though the market is down and a buyers market exist. That show reminded me that just because the housing real estate market is flooded with foreclosures and its currently a buyers market, that does not mean you cant continue to buy and sell real estate or flip houses.

There is no substitute for good old fashioned hard work and dedication. Especially for wealth building which can involve money investments and real estate and flipping houses for profit. Some people think that short cuts and tricks and schemes are the way to make money in today's world but reality is that what has worked for centuries still works today, no matter how the Real Estate housing market is doing.
Some things in life never change and one thing that doesn't change is the need for each and every one of us to protect our financial futures. Times are always changing and just because the market is going through tough times, good old fashioned hard work is still the key to success.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

How Does Motivation Work?

by Mark A. Singh

What is motivation? Many people use the word to describe the inner push to get them to take a first step. For example, "I do not have the motivation to go to the gym," or "I need the motivation to start going to the gym." A search of the word in the dictionary may provide definitions that substantiate the use of the word in these examples. However, there is another angle to motivation that can be considered.
Instead of waiting for the motivation to start going to the gym or start eating correctly or whatever the action is, how about making a choice?
"I choose to start going to the gym." That means that I am not waiting for motivation to go to the gym, I am simply making a choice. This is what would move me from passively waiting to actively pursuing a goal. Anyone waiting on the motivation to do anything is in a state of passiveness. The problem with being in that state is that there is no forward movement. Life is there for the taking. Sitting idly by and waiting for the fire to be kindled inside of you will only delay your destiny! Yet that is exactly what most people are doing when they wait for the motivation to do something.

On the other hand, if a choice is made to go to the gym then there is forward motion. This does not mean however that motivation is thrown out the window. In fact, after the decision is made, motivation steps up to the plate. Once the choice is made to go to the gym, do you know what it is that keeps you going back? Yes, it is motivation.
Motivation does not feed passivism. It is an inner propulsion mechanism. When there is motion, motivation will keep the momentum going. Do not think of motivation as the force that will take you from a standstill to movement. Think of it as the force that propels your movement in a given direction. So think of any area of your life where you are waiting for the motivation. If you find an area, then change your attitude and make a choice. Anything you have been wanting to do and you are not taking any forward action towards, does not need motivation. Those are areas where you need to make a choice to get going. Once you are moving, then motivation will play its part.
Let motivation be the force that keeps you going and not the one to get you going.

Copyright © 2008, Mark A. Singh. All rights reserved.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ready, Set, Get Organized!

by Nichola Mitchell

Ready, set, get organized! By Nichola Mitchell (Bsc)HonsPsych, Professional Organizer and Personal Coach
Why is it so difficult to get and stay organized? I want to show you how you can get organized by changing your mindset. Negative thoughts lead to negative energy. You can change these thoughts into positive ones by asking yourself different questions. According to scientists we have over 60,000 thoughts every day, and 80% of these thoughts are negative ones. For example; 'isn't organizing boring?', 'where do I start? 'Why can't I be as organized as (fill in the space), 'why am I always so unreliable'. These questions can certainly lead to a lack of motivation. By changing the focus of the question, you can introduce positive thoughts into your life.
'Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers, - Voltaire
For example, instead of thinking 'isn't organizing boring?', ask yourself the question, 'how can I make this fun? 'Why am I always so unreliable', replace with 'what can I learn from this situation, how can I improve my time management?'
To give you an impetus to start getting organized, list all the things that you are losing due to disorganization:
Time: Rushed mornings, losing keys, documents, running back into the house for items, forgetting to make lunches, kids' items not ready for their activities.
Money: buying doubles of items you already have, (batteries, pens, etc), losing coupons and gift certificates only to find them when they have expired.
Social life: embarrassed to have friends over? Can you tidy up quickly if someone drops by - does everything in your home have a home?
Now you're motivated, let's begin! How can this help me in my battle with the clutter I hear you cry! Habits are formed through repetition. Recent studies show that thinking new thoughts create new neural pathways, (Davidson R. 2005). When we change our thinking from negative to positive, the negative neural paths shrink, while the positive one increase - this is, in effect, the making and breaking of habits. Clearly defining your goals is just one step towards reaching them. Maybe your goal is 'I want my hallway to be clutter free, not as it is now full of shoes and an overstuffed closet, Your goal therefore is to change the habits of leaving shoes and coats lying around. How do I form habits," you ask? It has been said that after 21 days of replication we can create habits around what we want. Use visual aids, for example a big stop sign upon entry in the hallway. If you have kids, have them make it!! Explain to them what they need to do, (put shoes on shoe rack, hang coats up, put hats and scarves on hooks etc).

How do start to organize my house - where do I start?? Dependent upon how many people live in your house, the first thing to do is to call a meeting. Brainstorm, discuss why getting organized is important. Ask everyone's opinions. Plan a big organizing project, such as tackling the basement. Decide on a date and time, and very importantly mark it in the calendar - this is a date. Discuss what you will be doing, a loose plan of action, make a tape/cd of music you all like, be prepared, (i.e. dust mask, gloves, garbage bags, etc) and most importantly factor in breaks and a treat at the end of all the hard work. Make sure everyone knows that no matter where they start, (a shelf, a box) that they must finish that before moving onto the next. It can be counter productive to half start many little jobs.
Start by identifying the clutter. Possessions which are clutter include items: You don't use; don't know you have; don't like (we all have some of these, but we still keep them!); don't know how to use; don't need and bring value to your life Break down your remainder into items you can consign or have a yard sale with, and items you may want to donate to charity and finally items for recycle- receipts older than 7 years, old papers. Use different colored trash bags to differentiate, so you don't accidentally throw away something you meant to give away/sell. If it's not the right time of the year to have a yard sale, take digital photos of your items and advertise them online. Plan your areas: sports, memorabilia, kids area, spare household supplies, holiday supplies. Stretch your space - Install utility shelves, mount hooks, use peg boards. Use strong containers: especially in areas such as the basement, as they do experience extreme conditions. Memorabilia taken up way too much space? - kids doodles, birthday cards, school work, your college notes, etc -you would like to get rid of them but are afraid you will lose the memories? Use your digital camera to capture the memories. Store them on a disc, maybe even download the kid's pictures onto your documents and use them as your background on your computer - instant memories!!
What about closets, you ask? Begin with a big purge. Start by taking everything out of your closet. Decide what you want to keep, what to give away and what to throw. Ask yourself these questions; is this item still in fashion, does it complement my style, make me feel good about myself, does it fit and flatter me. Remember the 80/20 rule - we wear 20% of our clothing 80% of the time.
Once you've decided what you are keeping, its time to store hang or fold. Store your out of season clothes in space bags. Utilize vertical space - use hooks for bags, belts, use baskets or small containers on shelves for stockings/accessories. Hang your clothes in a way that makes it easy for you to stay organized, longer items together, then shorter items, fold sweaters to help them keep their shape. At the start of every new wardrobe season, a good way to visually see what you wear mostly is to hang all your clothes with the hangers facing the wrong way, (this is a great tip by my favorite organizer, Peter Walsh). As you wear and re-hang, put the hanger the correct way. At the end of the season you will see which clothes you've not worn and can decide what to do with them.
According to Winnie the Pooh "Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up." Remember, getting and staying organized is not something that you do and forget about it, it's a way of life, a bunch of good habits which can help declutter not only your house, but also your life!
References Ekman, P., Davidson, R.J., Ricard, M. & Wallace, B. Alan 2005. Buddhist and psychological perspectives on emotions and well-being. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14, 59-63


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What is Tenacity?

by Mark A. Singh

You have your plans and you are reaching for your goal. It is difficult but you are pressing on. There is nothing that can stop you from reaching your final destination. Then out of nowhere comes some event that totally knocks you off course. That event can be a number of things; lost of job, illness, death of a loved one, an accident, etc. There are numerous things that can be thrown your way. I have heard athletes talk about how they go over the plays in their minds before the game. What would I do if the ball is my hand? That is a question that needs to be answered before the game starts.
So out of nowhere comes this event and you find yourself looking at your goal moving away from you. It has moved further away than it was before the unfortunate event. You are experiencing a set-back. Instead of moving forward, you have moved backwards. In fact, from the new vantage point you cannot see a way to take you back to your goal. At this point many people throw up their hands and give up. Giving up comes naturally. There is no real effort required to give up. Ask yourself, "am I ready to give up?" "Am I ready to do what takes no effort because the situation changed?"
There are many people who have been knocked off course, but yet managed to reach their goals. History is filled with courageous men and women who were not deterred by events that were intended to destroy their dreams. What is it that helped them succeed in spite of the hindrances? It is tenacity. Tenacity is defined as "holding fast." However I like to define it as "having a fight in you." Whatever you believe in, whatever you are reaching for, you must be willing to fight for it. Many times we tend to believe that our goals are there for the taking and it is just a matter of going after it. But that is not always the case. Some goals require fighting for.

If you want to see tenacity in action, rent the movie, 'The Pursuit of Happyness' with Will Smith, who plays the character of Chris Gardner. In fact, if you know someone who is just starting out on a business venture or some other journey, recommend that they watch this movie. This movie is about tenacity! Tenacity does not stay down when knocked down. It gets right back up, even if it is to be knocked right back down again! Tenacity does not quit until it reaches the finish line. In the movie you will be able to recognize when that finish line has been crossed. That is where the fight has ended.
If something comes your way that knocks you off course, do not discard your plans and do not throw up your hands. It may require making some adjustments to your current plans, but do not give up. If your goal is worth anything it is worth fighting for. Many people have watched their marriages deteriorate into nothing, because they were unwilling to fight for it. Many relationships have been fractured because there is no willingness to fight. So to help prepare yourself to press on regardless of what comes your way, ask the question, "what would I do if the ball was in my hand?". Notice that when thinking in terms of a game, running off the field and sitting on the bench is not an option. Reach for your goal, but be ready to fight for it if necessary.


Monday, April 7, 2008

The Art of Change - Resistance Is Futile!

by Camille Strate

Why in the world do we resist change so hard? Why is it that the moment we're faced with change we get so pessimistic? Why do we think that change will always equal disaster? It's such an odd thing to me that we do this (and believe me, I'm just as guilty sometimes!). When faced with any kind of change, whether it be a new landlord or a new job or the first wrinkle on your face, we go into a tizzy and start hyper-ventilating like we're about to be strung up on a rack. It's so....silly?
I got to thinking about this the other day when I was told that the property I rent is on the market. Apparently, the current owners have decided they'd rather take a loss than hold on to their many properties, in lieu of some other new adventure. My breathing immediately became shallow. I could feel the sweat on my hands and that icky tickle in my belly. OH NO! WHAT NOW? My first and instant response was that this could NOT be good. Why? Why did I immediately go there? Why did I automatically assume that a new land owner would make my life difficult? How could I know this? Why didn't I, instead, think to myself, "well, this could be a grand adventure. This could be just what the doctor ordered. This could be terrific!" Nope. Went in the opposite direction of those thoughts and I did it in a blink. SHEESH!
After I regained my balance, I got to thinking about the way I USED TO look at change. When I was a kid and I found out something new was about to happen, I'd get all excited. I would have a million 'super-cool' possibilities run through my little head, like I'd just found a magic lamp and the genie was about to pop out and grant wishes. I was the most optimistic little Being you'd ever meet. So what happened? How did I go from that creature to this one? How did I lose that optimistic perception of the world? When did I decide that change meant 'BAD'?
As I sat and pondered these things, it suddenly occurred to me that these thoughts of doom and gloom were a result of old tapes being played by someone else. Fact is, my whole life has been pretty charmed and no matter what kind of changes I've ever faced, I have ALWAYS ended up in a better place. Whether it meant moving to a new home or a new city or a new boyfriend (LOL!), it was always BETTER than before the change occurred. So where did this come from? Perhaps there's some residual contamination from those around me who ARE the kind of people who think change is death. Or maybe it's just some weird thing that happens after a certain age. Once we are faced with our own mortality, do we automatically see all change as a sign that death is moving closer? If this is the case, why are we so afraid of death? We all know that sooner or later we're going to leave these shells we call bodies and move on to some other realm of Being. So what's all the fuss about?

I have decided that I'm going to adopt the perspective of a 10 year old. I'm going to look at any change that's offered as a means to an adventure. I'm going to look at the possibilities as opportunities for growth and expansion. I'm going to embrace change, regardless of the form it takes. I'm going to live like all that could ever come to me is GOOD. Because the moment I bring my thoughts to this place, every single thing in my world looks like a brand new gift. It's all wrapped in pretty paper with a bow on top, and I have no idea what's inside. But you can bet I'm excited about seeing what it is! Perhaps if we all embraced change this way, we'd have fewer people on Xanax and more people living in enthusiastic anticipation. Perhaps, regardless of our 'age' or station, we could finally say YES to Life. After all, the only moment we ever have is this one. Why not make the most of it?

Camille Olivia Strate is an author, coach and travel consultant who takes great pleasure in helping folks 'remember' who they are. She spends much of her time with her beloved animals, maintaining that they are her greatest connection to Source. When she's not 'coaching' or writing, she can be found in the garden or on a trail, soaking in the marvels of Nature's offerings. Her latest book, "Whispers" is now available in eBook format. Hardcopy to follow soon! Visit her personal site at
For business information, business opportunities or just great deals on traveling, visit her travel site,


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Motivational Makeover

by Ronnie Nijmeh

So often, we see individuals on television receiving a free makeover from a talk show host or a panel of celebrity "fashion police" on a reality show. The participants are absolutely elated with their new clothes, new hairstyle, and fresh new look. Their faces beam at the idea of becoming a new person - shedding off the old and taking on a new, different persona, like a snake shedding its skin. The transformation is sometimes drastic and commonly for the better.
Would it not be equally energizing and advantageous if we were able to give our personalities, attitudes, and thoughts a motivational makeover? We should not only want to look our best, but also feel our best and have the best of ourselves on display for the entire world to observe.
We can begin our internal renovation by making use of free motivational wallpapers in our workspace and personal desktops. Our senses and emotions are immediately heightened by these motivational wallpaper backgrounds. These jewels of photography and inspirational quotes can jar our outlook and attitudes. Our minds are excited into new thought processes, and our personalities have only to follow.
Motivational wallpaper backgrounds possess quotes created to incite a person to action. The presented imagery highlights hope, change for the better, success, and wisdom - all of the things necessary to makeover an individual's psyche. Real, lasting change can only come about if it derives from within and makes it way outward. These free and awe inspiring wallpapers help to boost an individual's self-perception, elevate progress, and add to endless possibilities. And as a result, positive energy emanates through their facial expressions, body language, verbal communication, actions, and outer appearance.

Free motivational wallpapers are tremendously engaging. The nature photographs generate a calming sensation and allow one to reflect on the words, which seem to speak directly to us. In addition, they permit us a moment to think about how the quotes apply to their personal and work life. The spirit is uplifted, and the mind and body are spurred into doing. No longer does the person want to sit in one place - in a state of complacency. The comfort of procrastination and stagnation are replaced by new momentum and direction.
Motivation is a powerful tool. If we can study and accept the benefits from its impact on our lives, we can undoubtedly attain a great deal from our personal relationships, our place of work, and ourselves. We live in a society that focuses greatly on aesthetics and pours millions of dollars into the cosmetic, medical, and fashion industries in order to look a certain way. We are frequently bombarded with "what's in" and the latest fads and trends. With so much being hurled our way to make us prettier, leaner, or more glamorous, we should not lose sight of the most important enhancement - our attitudes and characters.
By enriching our personalities with motivation, our inner and outer selves will receive the makeover they deserve, and our overall physical and emotional qualities will greatly improve.

Ronnie Nijmeh is an accomplished author, speaker and coach. He is the president and founder of, an inspirational website with free wallpapers with inspirational quotes, positive affirmations, motivational articles and much more. Learn more about ACQYR's free motivational wallpaper downloads.


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Preparation - The Docking Station of Opportunity

by Mark A. Singh

Many people watch opportunities pass them by throughout their lives. Opportunities to grow wealth, to get better jobs, to flourish and so on. Do you know why opportunities pass people by? Preparation. The lack of it to be more exact. It was Abraham Lincoln who said, "give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." That is the spirit of one who prepares. More time should be spent preparing for the opportunity.
Most people spend their lifetime imagining the opportunity coming their way, however they spend little or no time preparing for the opportunity. Here is a principle: Opportunity needs a docking station. That docking station is preparation.
If you are going through life without any plans for the future, then chances are you are not preparing. If you have a dream and you are not taking any actions towards that dream, you are not preparing. Preparation is the process that keeps athletes on the ball courts long after everyone else has left. Preparation is what wakes successful leaders two or more hours before the average person, to work on their goals.
What are some actions that an average person can take that can be considered preparation? Take education for example. If you have a high school diploma, then you should be working on an undergraduate degree. If you have an undergraduate degree, then you should be working on a graduate degree. Perhaps formal schooling would not benefit you. Perhaps your goal is to be a singer or a speaker. Then spend time learning how to sing or speak. Do not rely on your natural talents only. Thank God for those talents, but spend time sharpening yourself. Listen to experts in the fields you want to get into. Read books. Turn your car into a learning institution. Listen to books on CD's. All of these are examples of preparation. It is any action you are taking towards you being ready for when that time comes.

So you work full time. If you work for a company that has a tuition reimbursement plan, take advantage of it. Whatever the amount of the tuition is, it is 'more' money that the company is willing to give you to better you! I always count my annual salary, plus my bonuses and my tuition reimbursement to get a more accurate picture of what the company paid me. Tuition reimbursement is a good incentive for you to increase your marketability.
Hopefully you are working in an area that you enjoy and would like to remain in that field. If that is the case, take courses in that field. Your job is already providing you with the experience. So just add your "paper qualifications" to it. In fact, this is typically the stipulation for tuition reimbursements; It has to be job related.
When you are done with the degree or certification, you have made yourself more marketable. You have spent extra hours of your days going to school or taking courses. Now when opportunities for promotion within or outside the company comes, you will be able to confidently step up.


Friday, April 4, 2008

10 Ways To Get Unstuck Today!

by Caroline Jalango

Here is how to get your life, work or personal goals out of that rut...right now!
1. Clarify matters that remain unclear.
Are you stuck because you are in a mental fog? How can you possibly move forward with confidence if you don't know where you are headed? What exactly are you doing and what end result are you seeking? Resolve these issues!
2. Collaborate with someone.
Don't hesitate to reach out to people who can help you complete tasks, brainstorm or solve problems. Swallow your pride if you must; delegate what you can't do on your own and pay to receive this help if necessary! Whatever you do...get the help you need to get unstuck and make progress.
3. Ask for a deadline extension.
If you are working on other people's projects, ask for a deadline extension so you can "get yourself together!" Don't stress yourself unnecessarily because the project is due and you are experiencing "brain freeze." Ask for more time if you need it!
4. Fight the overwhelm factor.
Break down the task into bite-sized pieces and schedule specific days or periods of time to work on specific parts of the task. This will eliminate overwhelm, get you unstuck and make your work more enjoyable and manageable.
5. Conquer your personal fears and "just do it!"
Think about it...whatever happens after you deal with "your fear" is going to be much better than being paralyzed with fear and doing absolutely nothing with your life or about your work! So, why not take the worthwhile risk and go for what you really want?
6. Gather information about your area of focus.
Find out how others have successfully resolved the issues you are now facing and apply those principles to your situation. Knowledge liberates!
7. Know thyself and especially thy limits.

For example: if you feel that you have "bitten more than you can chew" be open and honest about it. If you feel that you have miscalculated the magnitude of the work involved in a project... inform the person who has assigned the task. They may offer a solution or ask you to work only on the specific areas you can handle.
8. Get some rest!
Are you stuck because you are tired and can't think straight? How many mistakes or miscalculations have you made as a result of fatigue? How many tasks seem insurmountable to a fatigued mind? Get some sleep and return to the task with fresh vigor!
9. Stop the struggle and get in the flow.
Sometimes it's important to be "stuck" and let life play out. It's important to learn and grow from the experience of what's happening and why it's happening at that moment. Who are you becoming as a result of being "stuck?" The life lessons are priceless!
10. Abandon ship.
As a last resort, if you are feeling miserable because you are "stuck" doing something you don't like, experiencing excessive stress over something you truly believe you can't do or make progress kind to yourself and "dump" it!

Caroline Jalango is a life strategist and motivational coach for women who want to do better for themselves. She is the author of "Settle for Less No More" and "You Deserve to Feel Good" motivational books for women who want to succeed. For more topics like this, visit to gain the momentum to do better for yourself and get the results you want!


Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Sheltered Life!

by Hal Manogue

" I am a writer who came from a sheltered life. A sheltered life can be a daring life as well. For all serious daring starts from within."
Eudora Alice Welty was born in 1909. She was a photographer, Pulitzer Prize winning writer, and a gracious lady from Jackson Mississippi. She dedicated most of her life to writing fiction and her works immediately established her as a leading figure in American Literature especially the American South.
Her words above bring a sense of unity to life; we all live a sheltered life to begin with, for we all start our journey from within. I overlooked that concept for many years, the external world had a grip on me and I fell into the trap of materialism. I was hooked on the right and wrong approach to every situation and there was someone or something that was always causing me pain and aggravation. I captured the daring life by wrestling with judgment and fear, the self-created feelings that arise from being separated from my inner world. I did live a sheltered life because I only lived in one reality, which held me captive because I was too weak to listen to my inner voice. I followed the crowd in order to conform and found myself in a cell of insanity looking for help and wanting permission to live.
Well, that's all behind me. I understand who I am. I appreciate the world I have within myself and explore it everyday. It is a journey of consciousness that brings me to many crossroads and choices. It is a world of probabilities and possibilities where things form into matter and manifest into things. I am a co-creator of my life and each moment is an experience worth living. From my choices I learn lessons and grow from the changes that the lesson teach me. I expand my sheltered existence into a world of color and beauty where there is consciousness in everything. I continue to expand and feel the excitement that living my truth brings me through the interaction I have with all living things. The shelter of unity changes my thoughts and I see without judgment, fear or anger. Each experience is an expression of daring where I guide myself with gratitude and appreciation.
Eudora understood all of that. She wrote about it and lived it. The time to start living is a personal choice. We all do it at different times and in different lives. Some only do it in dreams and others do it all the time. In our diversity we become one, because from that contrast we learn to become grander versions of ourselves; the version that starts from within, the spirit that is having a human experience in order to remember. Remembering is awakening. Awakening is connection. The connection of my spirit to All There is in a web of love that continues to expand and grow as I do.

The sheltered life is the life we all want to experience, for it is real. It is real because I know who I am. In that knowing, I am connected to the shelter of unity, which opens, and I begin to feel the presence of another reality and the concept of eternal life. From within comes answers; from within comes questions; from within comes the consciousness to live both.

Howard (Hal) Thomas Manogue, was born in Philadelphia, and is a forerunner to the Indigo children, a now age term for misfit with an intuitive nature, a desire to know his truth with a gift of giving and sharing. Hal retired from the shoe industry after 35 years of sole searching, and discovered his real soul.
He enjoys art, music, philosophy, psychology, nature and people.
His poems have been published by: Mystic Pop Magazine, Children Of The New Earth Magazine, New Age Tribune, Seasons Of The Soul Newsletters, Lightship News and Writers In The Sky Newsletters. His essays can be found on Hal's Blog and Website: He lives in Franklin Tennessee.
Hal's new book Short Sleeves Insights: Live A Ordinary Life In An Non-Ordinary Way will be in print in April. Visit any bookstore or Hal's website to get a copy. Hal's third Collection Of poetry: Short Sleeves A Book For Friends will also be in print in April.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Inspirational Words to Help You Reach Your Goals

by Alvin Day

Inspirational words directly impact your thinking, actions and results. They give you mental and physical energy to overcome adversity, persist through the hard times and overcome disadvantages.
The right inspirational words are like fuel in a car-regardless of the brand name, how powerful the engine is, or how exquisite the model, the car is useless unless there is fuel inside. Similarly, regardless of your potential, your education or even your intentions, if you lack the kind of energy that comes from inspirational words, you will not have the drive to go forward.
Here are two inspirational words or phrases that have never failed to drive me ahead toward excellence, achievements and rewards.
"Am I Strong Minded?"
This is a powerful question because it begs for one answer and one answer only. When you answer YES, your whole being begins to move away from weakness, indecisiveness, procrastination and other mental disorders that negatively impact your physical, social and financial conditions.
Every time you echo these inspirational words, you are likely to experience either of two reactions: one is a surge of zeal and a renewed sense of personal power; the other is a deep resolve to become more strong work on yourself and discard any sense of mental weakness you may be experiencing.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13
These words give me the sense of being unstoppable in my quest for achievement and results. The "strong minded" question above speaks of an internal source; this Bible reference speaks of an external, inexhaustible source from a loving, omnipotent Father.
Make these two inspirational words a part of your daily self dialogue and you too will be virtually unstoppable. It will take more than failure to make you quit-when you feel weak inside, you external source is there to guide; when you cannot see God's hand, you take comfort in the knowledge that He has made you strong minded. You thank Him for it and move ahead with driven power toward your goals and dreams.

After 27 years leading Fortune 500 companies to earn millions of dollars, Alvin Day now simplifies the success principles to help Godly people achieve and prosper in business and job. Get his free eBook, Ask and You Shall Receive - visit this website:


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Change is Good!

by Jane Schulte

Somehow the thought of any real change causes a tightening in your chest, a lump in your throat and a burn in your stomach. Why? Change evokes fear automatically as a human response.
Since the beginning of time, mankind has grappled with change. We all know stories or have loved ones or friends who are so rigid in their thinking that even the most minor deviation from their daily routine sends them into a tailspin.
But change is good! Not for the sake of change, but because it shakes things up, allows you to broaden your scope and opens your mind to possibilities that were never apparent.
Resisting change causes a great deal of stress and can be extremely uncomfortable. But continuing to resist inevitable or positive change immobilizes people and their ability to perform their work at a high level. Some very smart and seemingly successful people have failed for this reason alone.

What can we do? Try this. Every time someone presents you with an opportunity for change or a new set of circumstances hits you square in the face and does not give you a choice, stop, relax and do not resist. Simply be with the news for a while. After all, the change is not usually going to occur instantaneously. I call it the 24 hour rule. See how you feel 24 hours later. By then you have had time to digest the information, visualize what aspects of your daily routine and life it will affect and then purposely look for ways that it could actually be a good thing. For with every change, even when it is perceived as bad, there is always something there that will propel you positively forward if you will let it.
Turn your fear of change into your love of improvement!

Jane Schulte is Executive Vice President and COO of PRISM Title & Closing Services, Ltd. located in the Greater Cincinnati area. This article is excerpted from her latest book, WORK SMART, Not Hard! © 2008,
