by Joanne Victoria
You want to know what I think? I think too many of you are trying too hard, doing too much and not achieving what you really want anyway. You are not achieving because there are too many things in the way: unnecessary obligations at work, at home, with friends.
You can burn out by trying too hard to hold on to too much information. You alter the way you live your life to accommodate others' needs before your own. Holding on too hard will wear you out. In order to live your life instead of someone else's you have to reinvent the way you live it. You can reinvent your life. You can transform your life from what you have been to what you desire. Transformation will allow you to be who you want to be.
Transformation will alter your outlook on yourself and others. ? Transformation will help make all things possible. Just know that you can reinvent the way you live your life now and create the life you really want.
All You Have To Do
All you have to do is practice The Three Steps once a day, once a week, or once a month; just do it. You have already taken the first step; you have decided to take back your life. What follows is a sequence that can strengthen your intention.
First, you stop what no longer works in order to make room to create what you want.
Second, you start to take care of yourself in a way you have never done before.
Third, you create your desire, what is most important to you and then, your fulfilling life. What do you need? All you need is the willingness to take time and make yourself the priority in your life. So, go out and get a notebook and label it your Lighting Your Path! Journal, grab a pen and let's get going.
You are not alone - I am right here.
1, 2, 3 - RED LIGHTS STOP ME! What are the Red Lights in your life? What is stopping you?
Here are twelve clues that may help you:
1.You find yourself too tired to get out of bed.
2.You find yourself drinking loads of coffee just to get going in the morning.
3.You find yourself angry with everyone - a lot.
4.The idea of you having any fun and relaxation makes you laugh hysterically.
5.You are gaining weight.
6.You are losing weight.
7.You start the day unhappy and depressed.
8.You find yourself complaining all the time.
9.Your kids walk quietly around the house-a new thing.
10.Your spouse/partner is in hiding.
11.Your children, friends and peers are avoiding you.
12.You take care of others instead of yourself.
How can you help yourself? It's time to start making a list of your RED LIGHTS. This process is not a one-size-fits all, but it could be!
Follow the THREE STEPS to create your life the way you want. Remember, in order to reinvent yourself, in order to create the life you want, you need to get rid of what you don't want, what doesn't work for you, in order to create the space to do what sparks your spirit.
Joanne Victoria, owner of New Directions and author of "Vision With a Capital V - Create the Business of Your Dreams", with over 25 years of experience in business development and marketing coaching and consulting, works with and speaks to the real estate industry on how to have more clarity, more satisfaction, more sales and more fun. You can reach Joanne at:, by phone at: 360-377-2995. Book orders in the US: 888-503-2665.
Joanne Victoria, 25-year Vision and Business Coach helps entrepreneurs and solo professionals build successful lives and businesses. Author of 2 Books including:Lighting Your Path! How To Create the LifeYou Want and Vision With a Capital V - Create the Business of Your Dreams. Joanne offers FREE help through her 2 monthly ezines, Lighting Your Path! - Discover Your Inner Truth at: and
Create the Business of your Dreams at:
Orders: 888-503-2665 - Tel: 360-377-2995
Email her at:
You want to know what I think? I think too many of you are trying too hard, doing too much and not achieving what you really want anyway. You are not achieving because there are too many things in the way: unnecessary obligations at work, at home, with friends.
You can burn out by trying too hard to hold on to too much information. You alter the way you live your life to accommodate others' needs before your own. Holding on too hard will wear you out. In order to live your life instead of someone else's you have to reinvent the way you live it. You can reinvent your life. You can transform your life from what you have been to what you desire. Transformation will allow you to be who you want to be.
Transformation will alter your outlook on yourself and others. ? Transformation will help make all things possible. Just know that you can reinvent the way you live your life now and create the life you really want.
All You Have To Do
All you have to do is practice The Three Steps once a day, once a week, or once a month; just do it. You have already taken the first step; you have decided to take back your life. What follows is a sequence that can strengthen your intention.
First, you stop what no longer works in order to make room to create what you want.
Second, you start to take care of yourself in a way you have never done before.
Third, you create your desire, what is most important to you and then, your fulfilling life. What do you need? All you need is the willingness to take time and make yourself the priority in your life. So, go out and get a notebook and label it your Lighting Your Path! Journal, grab a pen and let's get going.
You are not alone - I am right here.
1, 2, 3 - RED LIGHTS STOP ME! What are the Red Lights in your life? What is stopping you?
Here are twelve clues that may help you:
1.You find yourself too tired to get out of bed.
2.You find yourself drinking loads of coffee just to get going in the morning.
3.You find yourself angry with everyone - a lot.
4.The idea of you having any fun and relaxation makes you laugh hysterically.
5.You are gaining weight.
6.You are losing weight.
7.You start the day unhappy and depressed.
8.You find yourself complaining all the time.
9.Your kids walk quietly around the house-a new thing.
10.Your spouse/partner is in hiding.
11.Your children, friends and peers are avoiding you.
12.You take care of others instead of yourself.
How can you help yourself? It's time to start making a list of your RED LIGHTS. This process is not a one-size-fits all, but it could be!
Follow the THREE STEPS to create your life the way you want. Remember, in order to reinvent yourself, in order to create the life you want, you need to get rid of what you don't want, what doesn't work for you, in order to create the space to do what sparks your spirit.
Joanne Victoria, owner of New Directions and author of "Vision With a Capital V - Create the Business of Your Dreams", with over 25 years of experience in business development and marketing coaching and consulting, works with and speaks to the real estate industry on how to have more clarity, more satisfaction, more sales and more fun. You can reach Joanne at:, by phone at: 360-377-2995. Book orders in the US: 888-503-2665.
Joanne Victoria, 25-year Vision and Business Coach helps entrepreneurs and solo professionals build successful lives and businesses. Author of 2 Books including:Lighting Your Path! How To Create the LifeYou Want and Vision With a Capital V - Create the Business of Your Dreams. Joanne offers FREE help through her 2 monthly ezines, Lighting Your Path! - Discover Your Inner Truth at: and
Create the Business of your Dreams at:
Orders: 888-503-2665 - Tel: 360-377-2995
Email her at:
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