Thursday, March 20, 2008

Find Your Passion - It Will Change Your Life

by Jarrod Clark

I often encourage entrepreneurs or I'll generally write in reference to anyone about the importance of achieving your dreams. In fact, in my previous blog "Is Your Dream Alive?" I talk about examining your priorities and not letting your dreams go to waste. Part of achieving your goal is having a passion for what it takes to achieve your goal. You have to love what you do not only because it makes you money but because of the pure thrill that you get from doing it. There are many people who earn a massive income but don't like what they do. In my blog "Is Your Dream Alive?" I ask the question: What are you passionate about? Think about it for a moment. What do you like to do? I do believe if you focus on what you're passionate about before you focus on the money, the money will come.
I think about when I was younger, and many of you who know a little about me know that I am a drummer. I love making music because it is a great outlet for me. Music is good for the soul. Henceforth, knowing that, it gives me a sense of fulfillment to make music because I know that I have the ability to effect people's lives and make them feel good. I played drums in the church when I was younger and for many years I didn't get paid to play drums. Neither was I playing drums looking to get paid. I was playing drums because I loved to play drums, PERIOD! It wasn't until I got older, that I started to get paid to play and it was offered to me, I didn't ask to get paid to play.
I wanted to tell that story because the law of attraction basically says that the things that you focus your thoughts and time on are the things that will manifest themselves into your life. Many will often ask themselves "well if I just focus on making money then the money will come... right?" In response to that I will say "sure, yes the money will come." However, I must say that that is such a general statement. The fact is, yes everyone focuses on making money all the time. Most of the population gets up everyday and works a 9-5. Why? Because making money is a way of life, you have to make money to make a living. By changing your focus and asking yourself, what am I passionate about that makes me happy? It is what you like to do, that makes you money, that will give you a sense of freedom. Statistics say that only 2% of the population is financially free. Many artist/painters make good money but they didn't wake up one morning and say, "...gee I think I will go and take a class and learn how to paint masterpieces because that will make me good money." No, most artists, who are successful, were sincerely passionate about drawing and painting long before they started making money doing it. It was something that gave them a sense of fulfillment because it's an art of expression.

I urge you to search deep down inside inside of yourself today. Find out what makes you happy. If you are a writer, and you wake up in the morning and you can't think about anything else other than writing, then you should become a writer. Explore that passion and find out how you can make writing your "Niche." Perhaps you can become an author and write many books that will inspire the world. I must say I am a Christian and I don't promote books of witchcraft, however I think of the author Joanne K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter Series, one of the number 1 book series in the world, and I think about how she has effected the lives of so many people in the world with her style of writing. She has a passion and her passion has manifested itself in a way that no other can, she has a unique style of writing. Find your passion and not only will it change your life but you can effect the lives of others around you and you will benefit from it in return.


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